My uncles definitely tried drugs once

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I just want to thank @EmoStrxy for you support this chapter is for you fellow fanatic!

I just want to thank @EmoStrxy for you support this chapter is for you fellow fanatic!

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Selina's POV
     I'd have to say my uncles know how to party. "THAT'S IT TYLER! Twitter war NOW! I'll get the entire band back together just to show your ungrateful ass good music!" Gerard yelled at Tyler as he keep making MCR is dead jokes. "I'd still come out on top bitch I accepted a Grammy in underwear! Would you have the ball to do that, I didn't think so" Tyler replied flipping his graceful imaginary wig.
         "Okay stop fighting Geez this is Selina's debut not Love and Punk-Rock" Pete chimed in. "But if there was a love and Punk-Rock I would slay all you foul hoes"Pete added. "CAN WE PLEASE STOP USING INAPPROPRIATE LANGUAGE IN FRONT OF MY CHILD, THANK YOU" Patrick shouted covering my sensitive ears.
         "Hey Selina, Hey, Hey Selina" Brendon whispered poking me. "Hi Uncle Brendon" I replied also in a whisper. "Can I do you hair" he asked. "Ohh and call me Uncle Beebo it rolls off the tongue better" he added. I nodded yes to both selections following Brendon to the couch. Josh had also followed with a few temporary hair color spray cans. "Can I dye your hair to match me? It'll only stay in for a week at most" Josh asked picking up a highlighter yellow spray can. "Yeah" I whisper shouted tuning out the battle of the best punk-rock reality tv star, which I feel like Patrick would be the Kylie Jenner of. (Give the reality tv sterotypes that would go with each member of the emo quadruplet in the comments)

         They gently pulled and tugged at my hair letting my locks become knot free before styling my hair.

(Not mine credits go to the original owner)     "WHAT DID YOU DO TO MY BABY'S HAIR" Patrick gasped looking at my new look

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(Not mine credits go to the original owner)
     "WHAT DID YOU DO TO MY BABY'S HAIR" Patrick gasped looking at my new look. "Wait a second geez Patty Cakes we gotta give her the big reveal. She has the exact same outfit as you I need something to help me spot the difference"Josh said. "I hope that difference washes away in the water with soap" Patrick replied placing his hands on his hips with a face on that you can tell he was trying to be serious but was too cute to cause damage. "Gerard I'm willing to form a piece treaty if it means getting to be in her top two favorite uncles again" Tyler said to Gerard holding out his hand. "Agreed" Gerard replied shaking Tyler's hand.....................

Cliff hanger because I wanted to get this chapter out for my loves during my break! Thanks for all the votes and support I've recently been getting! Don't be afraid to show support because it helps brighten people's spirts. This chapter was brought to you by @EmoStrxy 's support that cute smol bean so give them a follow.

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