Laughter after disaters

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Selina's POV
My uncles dragged me off towards the arcade machines. Pete gave me a couple of tokens "Go wild" before getting dragged off by Uncle Mikey for a dance dance revolution battle. Uncle Gerard grabbed me. "Hey mini Stump let's play the motorcycle game." Gerard said. I haven't really been near Gerard that much so I nodded. He dragged me to the game picking me up and setting me on the motorcycle. I could have totally climbed the cycle myself. I inserted 4 tokens before pocketing the rest.

"Okay so you twist this thingy and use that button for a boost. You have to use your boosts wisely." I nodded along to Gerard although I was questioning whether he had a stroke. "Your gonna love my kid. Next time I visit I'll bring her, in fact we all have kids. You'll have a lot of friends. Although they'll mostly be younger than you. Patrick, Dallon, Andy, Brendon, Tyler and Josh are the only one without kids." Gerard said whilst racing. "What's her name?" I asked as I tilted my motorcycle almost falling off. "Bandit. A sweet edgy name that not common among girls. She's gonna still a lot of hearts, just like you." Gerard replied. "Trust me, boy don't look at me, and I don't look at them. We have mutual respect in that aspect." I sputtered. Boys were definitely not on my agenda. Especially with the way I was treated boys were the least of my problems. "Respect that choice okay, you might not be my daughter but if a boy comes up to you I'll still fight him, no matter how young." Gerard warned while winning the race. "Hey Gerard come verse me in this zombie killer game" Tyler yelled. "Coming" Gerard responded taking me off the motorcycle and giving me a pat on the head.

I quickly bounced my way to the Crane machine taking a quick glance at Patrick. I saw this cute Panda with a fedora on, a baby panda in its arms. Wasting most of my coins I got it as well as the teddy bear and the pig next to it. I quickly made a bee line towards my dad. "Patrick, Patrick look it's us" I cheered showing him the Panda. He gave me a smile patting my head. "Sure is darling" he said softly. "Are you happy now" I asked. "What do you mean?" Patrick questioned. "I'm not a dummy, you're in the corner instead of having fun with your friends." I pouted. "I'm just feeling insecure" Patrick sighed picking me up. "Why" I asked. "I like your uncle Pete and I'm pretty sure he doesn't like me back. Plus he just had a divorce with his last wife, I don't want to be a home wrecker.Even then I don't think he's interested in guys." Patrick whispered to me smile gone. "You miss 100% of the opportunities you don't take. You're setting up for heartbreak before you can even speak your feelings. You're pushing Pete away and making him feel rejected too if you really do like him try. If it makes you feel better Pete muttered under his breath earlier about how he's glad he's gay." I scolded Patrick. "Thanks, Selina. You're the best daughter you know that" Patrick smiled. "Hopefully, now can we play some more games" I cheered. "Yeah" Patrick said dragging me to a rollercoaster recreation machine.

"Hey Patty Cakes don't leave me out" Pete whined sitting on one of the seats and pulling me onto his lap as there was only two seats. "Le gasp Never" Patrick said sarcasm dripping. "Meanie, at least the other Stump appreciates me" Pete pouted squeezing me in a hug. "I doubt it's appreciation, just mild irritation" Patrick replied. Pete looked at me"that's not true" he asked. I just laughed, a big belly laugh. Their laughter joining in after mine. This is what I wanted, family. Laughter, fun, and love.

Dishing out chapters, hell yeah. Maybe you'll get a new one next week. But that's just a theory. Anyway how you feeling bout the story so far? It's reached it's 20th chapter. Hope you're out there loving yourselves and if not I'll do it for you!❤️🧡💛💚💙💜🖤💖Panic❣️

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