Catching Up & Catching Feelings

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Warning contains signs of Peterick so if your uncomfortable around shipping them I recommend you leave although there won't be anything smutty as Selina is a nine year old.

Selina's Pov

            "Yeah Patrick cursed up a storm in 'Save Rock and Roll'" Pete laughed. "It was very weird cursing in the recordings, it was even worse onstage" Patrick whined. "Should we even be telling Selina this" Andy asked. "It's fineeee she was there for the tour anyway" Pete dragged. After coming home we decided to tell stories about each other. 'Home' I like that word, I haven't been able to use that word in forever. I should thank Patrick for helping me say the word so easily.

           "Tell us a story about you Sel" Joe asked. "You don't have to" Patrick added softly although I could see the glimmer in expectancy in his eyes. "Well how about a happy story, let's see I could tell you about the time I earned the title worldwide clumsy from my friends." I said with a smile. "So the day started with me falling out of bed, and face planting into the floor. Then I burnt my toast grabbed my backpack and went to school. At school I dropped a pile of paper on the floor by crashing into my teacher, after that my backpack broke. Then at lunch that day I dropped my lunch box on the floor and fell off the chair. To this day my back side still hurts" I explained the story the guys and I laughing over how much bad luck I had.

                 I let out a yawn announcing my tiredness but I didn't want this day to end. I didn't want to wake up from this dream, cause this is my paradise. OH GOD I DIED, THAT'S WHY I MET MY FAVORITE BAND WHATEVER ENTITY THAT GRANTED ME THIS PLEASE LET ME STAY IN THIS PARADISE FOREVER! "Hey Selina why don't you change into some pajama's and I'll tuck you in" Patrick said. PLEASE DON'T WAKE ME UP! "Okay" I replied running up the stairs to wash up and get dressed.

Patrick's Pov

                She ran up the stairs"Don't hurt yourself Black Cat" I yelled after her the nickname made on a whim. I turned back to the guys. "So how'd you like her" I asked nervously seeing that they were staring at me. "I LOVE HER I'm  definitely the favorite uncle." Joe exclaimed. "Get off your high horse, It's obviously me nobody can resist the Wentz" Damn right Pete, I mean no I don't have feelings for my band mate. "Pete we all know it's me , I'm the civilized one" Andy replied. "As if bitch , I'm the favorite and your ass is too jealous to admit that shit." Pete sassed. 

             I carefully backtracked my way upstairs as to not be  caught as the determining factor in the argument. I knocked on Selina's door twice before she opened it in this cute Nightmare before Christmas onesie

 "Okay ms. Pumpkin king let's get you into bed." I said seeing she already fitted the Nightmare Before Christmas sheets on the bed. After Selina climbed into bed I kissed her forehead and sung a song softly. "I miss missing you now and then" as those words slipped from my lips I felt Selina grab my hand. "Thank you so much Patrick for adopting me" She said her small eyes fluttering more each time she blinked. "No thank you Selina for coming into my life. I love you my little tea cup." I replied softly as her eyes glued shut. She  smiled softly in her sleep and I could only hope she understood how much she did for me.


Guess who's alive unlike MCR! Okay that was too much I pierced my own heart with that. Anyway I'm back again with the updates hopefully they'll be more frequent but no promises though. Next chapter you'll absolutely be seeing some more cool/fabulous uncles. P.s you'll have to copy and paste the link.

What's your favorite Fall Out Boy song ? At the moment Super Fade is at the top of my list.

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