It Gets Worse by Shane Dawson

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Selina's Pov

"It'll get better Selina" I mocked my words. It hadn't. I was forced into a tiny room that was the size of two twin sized beds. I had to share this room with Heather and as in the musical she was a major pain in the bum. The only thing i like about it is since i have the bottom bunk she doesn't look underneath the bed. That's good cause she would've bashed my guitar Sammantha otherwise. Mr. and Mrs.Tal dropped me off at the orphanage last week. They were really reluctant because the orphanage in my town was full. They dropped me off at Chicago's Sunny Hills, which the only sunny thing around here are the smaller kids. 

           "Selina would you play your guitaw fwor us" One of the younger kid's inturupted my thoughts. I looked behind him seeing the rest of the kids that i watch hiding behind the door. "Sure" i giggled grabbing it and leading the kids to the park across from the orphanage. "Okay everybody stay close alright" i said making sure they were paying attention. After a head cound i pulled sammantha out of her case. I started playing the acoustics to one of my mums favorite songs. 

     "Put on your war paint" i started keeping my eyes open to watch the kids. Some  sang along remembering the lyrics from all the previous times I sung it. Yeah I'll admit i kinda play it whenever i feel down or useless but hey if it works it works. Near the end all the kids were singing with me, and I also seemed to catch the attention off some citizens around the park. "Okay everybody back inside" Ms. Hoft called  from across the playground. The children ran to her as she lead them back across the street.

      "Hey" a voice sounded startling me. "Oh hi Mr. you scared me for a second." I answered turning around. I was met with two men one had blond hair glasses and a fedora while the other one had short black hair without glasses. "Nice Shirt" said the one with black hair. "Thanks you it was my mothers, I don't really know the names or faces of the people in the band but i do love their music." I spoke looking at Fall Out Boy shirt. "really" the one with the glasses replied. "Yeah my mum took me to one of their concerts before she passed, we were sat in the nosebleeds. Sadly though i lost my glasses earlier that day so all i could see was blurry objects moving back and forth" I exclaimed passionetly sharing the beloved memory.

          "I'm sorry my names Pete""And my names Patrick" They said extending their hands. "I'm Selina" i replied happily shaking their hands. "Selina! You have to get back now before Ms. Hoft becomes more cross" Jamie yelled running towards me. "Alright Jamie just let me get Sammantha" I said picking up the guitar case and planting it on my back. "I hope to see you again Pete and Patrick" I bowed before catching up to Jamie.

Patrick's Pov

         "I hope to see you again Pete and Patrick" Selina said bowing before going off to a yonger boy. I watched as they crossed the street and walked into the orphanage. "She has more manners than you Pat" Pete said breaking the silence. "Yeah, also thats the first time a fan wearing our merch did not know who we are" I replied. "I like her, she seems fun........ but i also feel like she's suffering under all her smiling" Pete said getting serious towards the end. "For now let's get to know her she comes by here everyday either alone or with the children"  I spoke calmly. "Yeah your right Pat, but I really don't understand how a kind girl like her ends up in the orphanage."

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