Empireverse! Dream x Rouge! Reader

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Your P.O.V

I was walking around the forest of the sun with my bow out, I had to go hunting for food. As I was walking, I saw a deer just standing there while munching on some fresh grass.

I stealthily crouched behind a tree close to the deer and hid. I took a peek to see it facing its back on me while still munching. I gripped my bow tightly as I slowly aimed at my prey. As I pulled the string, a (F/C) magical arrow formed.

"Rain of arrows"

With that chant, I launched my arrow above the deer as arrows virgiously rained down on the deer. Fortunately, it hit it twice which knocked it down. I attached my bow to the clip on my back and walked towards the now dead creature.

"You'll be great for dinner tonight" I praised. I was going to lift it when I sensed a dagger coming towards me, I swiftly grabbed it with my other hand, as I kicked the person who threw it. I have a little something which senses or detects for any danger.

The person grabbed me while wrapping his arm around my neck in a way of trying to choke me, I kicked him in his knee and used all of my strength to flip him over me and pin him down.


I blacked out


I woke up, I slowly regained vision. I looked around to only find myself in a mysterious room, it was huge! The room had accents of white and gold. It looked fit for a king. I looked around for my bow and quiver when suddenly my head was pulsating greatly. I held it between my hands and let out a load grunt.


I heard a door open. There stood a young female skeleton?

 There stood a young female skeleton?

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(Credits to lunnar-chan)

"Hi there! I'm Lux! Princess of the empire of the sun, daughter of Dream. Who are you?"

"I'm (Y/N), pleasure meeting you"

"Oh no problem, also, why don't you have a mark?"

I tilted my head in slight confusion, mark?

"What's a mark?"

She gasped, "Have you not decided a kingdo-" "LUX!  MY CHILD? WHERE ARE YOU! LU- oh"

A king looking skeleton walked in

A king looking skeleton walked in

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I blushed, 'he looks.. Kinda cute.., no (Y/N) he probably has a wife or a husband because of his child..'

"You're awake! Greetings, my name is Dream, emperor of the empire of the sun"


He nodded and suddenly grabbed a scepter and aimed it at me. I flinched and moved back.

"Dad no!"

He moved it close to my neck, "Who are you? A follower of Nightmare!? Why were you in our forest!!!? "

"I'm sorry! I was only hunting for food for my crew! I didn't mean to invad-"

"Alright then, so you're a rouge?"

I nodded, "Yes, yes I am"

"Huh... I hope you know that we can't set you free, right?"

My jaw dropped, "What!? WHY NOT!? "

"Simple, you've entered my territory without any authorizatuon and taken hospitality, therefore you will be marked as a part of my kingdom"

I growled, "I'll accept the first one but the second situation was not my intention, you took me in with no consent!?"

"Well, apologies but it's part of the rules"

I rolled my eyes, "Alright, fine, anyways, now what?"


Flashback end

'Ha, I remember that time so well.. Now as a captain of the guards of the sun, I'm definetely one of the best warriors'


"Lux! Hey! How are you dearie?"

"Doing very well, how about you?"

I smiled, 'this child is too precious'


Lux and I talked for a while when it was interrupted by a fellow warrior, Ink

"General huntress (that is what they will be calling you, if you wish to change it, you are most welcome to), our king requests for your presence."

I nodded, "Ink, you know you can just call me by my name, right?"

"I know, but it seems more formal to call you by that and also, I got used to it"

I nodded and bid Lux a farewell.

I made my way slowly towards Dream's room, slightly tense. Me and him haven't talked in a while. I opened the door and walked in.

I saw Dream seated on his bed reading a book, couldn't make out what book it was though.

"My Lord"

"Ah, (Y/N), please, take a seat"

He patted a spot right next to him on the bed, I obliged and sat, very soft and silky fabric.

Dream seemed a bit nervous, I was confused as to why but paid no attention towards it.

"(Y/N), I-i have a favor to ask"

I hummed in response, he took a deep breath

"Alright, you know how Cross is not part of the sun empire? And it's more or less illegal to date other people from different empires, since he isn't allowed to take care of Lux, I ask of you, if it's okay with you, take on the role of being another parental figure towards Lux.."

I was shocked, I had no clue on what to say.

"I-i-.. Why me?"

He gave a nervous sigh.

"It's because I love you, (Y/N)"

I was shocked, speechless

"I love you too, Dream"



"Yes dad?"

"I DID IT!!"

Lux's eye socket sparkled and glittered.


The female turned to them


"Am I gonna have a sibling?"

Me and Dream blushed deeply, we looked at each other.


He nodded..


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