Dream x Reader X Nightmare Part 2

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Part 2 of the Four Horsemen oneshot.

Trying to give as much content as possible before I go off to a hiatus, I wish to make sure that you all have something to read on this book before I take a small break.

Enjoy lovelies! =3


Pestilence flinched at the sight of the Sun emperor, how could this mortal see her when she had not wished it? Was this monster blessed with immense power that even he can see the horse men's presence?

Normally, in order to see a Horseman, the Horseman themselves must wish it, they must give the person the permission to see them.

But there is an exception..

Those who are blessed with tremendous power, or has once walked alongside celestial entities, powerful sentients capable of the unspeakable, and even those who are entrepreneurs to these people. In the end, only those who are deemed worthy can see the horseman, it is impossible to see them by force.

Nevertheless, (Name) stayed gawking at the being who started to sweat nervously, the intense gaze of the female wanted him to shrink down and beg for mercy for some undiscovered reason.

Her presence and aura screamed dominatrix, she was surely demanding, someone who will do almost anything to stay at top, but still knows her limits and won't let her ego get the best of her.

A rational yet challenging (also charming) horseman.

Although her presence itself intimidated the ones around her, that entitlement would soon be nothing, worth nil, no value at all. For her crimes resulted to severe consequences, ironic, their description of Pestilence contradicted her actions. She was referred to as the most rational, a formidable person, but..not everything is concrete, or fact.

The books had in fact mistaken her gender, they were referred to as the 4 horsemen of the apocalypse, all of them being males, however, that wasn't the case.

Two were females

Famine, the horsemen who starts the loss of food, water, the most essential sources of survival. It doesn't sound much, but oh dear, is her damage unrivaled. She is the most optimistic, beautiful, but her desire for despair when needed is insatiable. Which is why she is feared by many, she was the basis of rations and sharing. She wears colours sticking to yellow ochre, warm colours that compliment her aesthetic. She was the type to dress and look voluptuous, I mean, who wouldn't want to enter battle and look fabulous at the same time? It's a win-win!


the other was Pestilence, an eerie and death-defying Horsemen, the writers often associate Pestilence with Death, confusing her with Death, but she was a force to be reckoned with. She carries a power, one capable of mass destruction. One capable to rival Death.

By the sway of her hand, she could unleash a potent disease, one so contagious that it would wipe out the enitre population in mere minutes, no sweat.

But what's given can be taken back

Realising the situation, she broke down even more and cradled the stranger. Those exceptions for seeing a Horsemen was only applicable to actual Horsemen, she was slowly getting thrown in the dust.

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