SPECIAL 2: Author-Chan x Fem!Reader

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Final oneshot, ah, so upsetting. We'll see each other again after a month or so, anyway, here is the romantic onsehot of supposedly 'me' and you.

Keep in mind, this has Lesbian themes as I'm a female and the reader is set as female too, once I come back, I will try to set some oneshots to gender neutral or male.

Anyway, this is a fluffy romantic, no lemon, though slight suggestive themes, cause no one wants that. Any who, you are aloud to ignore this as it is in fact not part of the Empireverse thing, this is more of a side-story or filler.

So here we are,



Minerva has never been the type to openly talk with others, she was woman of less words, a woman who believed wholeheartedly on actions speaking louder then words. She only ever truly spoke when speaking with her closest friends, family.

But an exception was to be made today, for this day represents a mark of true love. Love that has resided for over 5 years, 5 years utmost. And this love was shared between two loving partners, partners who were once discriminated, and still are, for their fondness in each other.

These protesters of their love would shout vulgar words and opinions to them, no matter of the two's position. Their only goal was to tarnish and disgrace the bond those two had, but their efforts would always be placed to vain. For the two lovers loved each other unequivocally, nothing nor no one would make it's way through.

Which is why this simple blathering that came across the village walls passed through others ears and never to be heard again, simply dismissed as Minerva wouldn't let those words be taken to her heart, what she shares with her other half is something she needs to sustain.

As she passed by the stalls to retrieve the needed ingredients to create the aphrodisiac that her fellow alchemist asked, she overheard some eerie remarks about (Name).

"How about it, 5000G for the head of that disgusting female of soldier?"

"5-5000G?? That's a bogus amount to price the general of the moon empire's head for!"

"Alright, how about we times that by a 100,000 G? Do we have a mutual understanding then?"

"Yes..yes, now you're talking proper business, don't you worry, I'll get that lady whore (Name)'s head and deliver it by midnight"

Minerva's heart sunk upon discovering this small gossip, her pointed ears perked up to hear but she couldn't fully turn and search for the culprit for the community was far too public, likewise with her identity and relationship with (Name), a reason contributing to her disguise, a method to refrain from encountering displaying mobs.

Continuing to point to the merchant her desired items, her ears still eagerly picked up on the stranger's conversation.

"Wait boss, what about that slut that's with her? That ungrateful elf bitch?"

'Elf bitch!?'

That sufficed to get an agitated reaction from Minerva, but she needed to stay calm, though, it did prove to be a painful challenge.

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