Dream x Reader x Nightmare Part 3

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Hiiii, I missed you beautiful people ♡♡♡ I hope everyone is doing well and coping up, love you all so much ♡♡

Warnings: Angst

This was rushed, sorry about that =/

Again, the 'Death' character I have here has absolutely no connection to Reaper/Reapertale! Sans, this Death is referenced from the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse, do not confuse the two.


Dream pushed open the large doors, inwards to the secret meeting point that was connected from both the empire of the moon and sun. The first thing he saw was Nightmare, in all his tentacle glory, sitting on his designated throne. His blue eyes looked at Dream, who held the hand of (Name), and as soon as his eyes laid on her, he grunted. "Dream, I thought you yourself said you wanted this meeting in secret, no disturbances, no other parties, just brother against brother, and here you are, betraying your own words, how am I supposed to end at an agreement with you?" Dream scoffed, rolling his eyes, "Pray tell Nightmare, if I had not brought a plus one, I'd be outnumbered in this meeting" Nightmare stood up, "Your point being...?" Dream sat (Name) down on one chair before leaning against the roundtable, looking intensely at Nightmare. "Perhaps Cross has become a statue now that he no longer counts as a being?" Nightmares's eyesockests expanded whilst Dream just sat back down, crossing his arms, replacing intense gaze with a softer one.

"Do not take me for a fool brother, I can sense his presence, more or less, I can see the tip of his enormous knife at the side of that pillar" Dream pointed at the pillar that stood behind Nightamre's seat, where it revealed Cross. Nightmare sighed, beckoning for Cross to sit down then subsequently gazing at (Name), who had stayed quiet during the entire meeting. "How about you, 'Dreams's plus one', where did you come from.." He leaned in and glided his phalanges against her cheek, a rough and scarred feeling. (Name) winced and tried to turn away, before Nightmare grabbed her chin and forced her too look at him. For a moment, he observed her, noting down every little detail her face had. "You look.. awfully familiar..have we met?"

(Name) shook her head, gesturing to a 'no', but that was in fact a lie, for she had seen him before. He was one of the reasons she was stripped of her position. She would've been more hostile at his lack of distance from her, but, it wasn't his fault, it was hers. She was the one to blame for her own mistakes. Leaving her dreamworld, she gazed at Nightmare, who still had his eyes lingering on her. "I see...even so, the feeling I have that indicates we had a previous encounter is strong though I do agree, I've never seen you before" (Name) felt relieved by the news, her cover was kept on the low. All until Nightmare leaned further, "But the negative feeling you give out, feels so oddly familiar.. " One of his tentacles reached forward and wrapped itself around her, as she squirmed at the slimy feeling of it on her skin. Nightmare simply closed his eyes, pondering whilst feeling her, "Yes..your negative aura..it's powerful, strong and I've felt this same agony before"

Before he could wrap it around her further, Dream smacked his tentacle away from her, gazing disapprovingly at his brother. "Stop making her uncomfortable Nightmare, she obviously detests that way you are handling her, enough with this nonsense, let us get back to what the original purpose of this meeting was, prithee?" Nightmare rolled his eyes, retracting his tentacles back before nudging Cross. "Explain it to him, I'd be least bothered to utter a word regarding this plan to him" Cross nodded, grabbing the satchel he carried and pulling out a map, one that had numerous markings on it. And from there, he began to give a briefing on the strategy for the war.

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