Empireverse!Dust x Reader x Ink

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Requested by Aphmau_Lover192


There will be mentions of Shakespearean vocabulary, their definitions will be explained through brackets. I'm not sure if the vocabulary is correct, I just searched up the vocabulary

Third person

The skeleton twins, who were emperors, had finally turned away from their hatred and succumbed to the embrace of unity.

From then and now, after the drastic war, they had moved on and relished peace with one another, the decision was a wise and heartwarming choice.
For it brought ease, comfort, joy to all those who had inhabited the empires, an act of war against the opposition of one another was an unlikely outcome.

But, there was something that the people hadn't known, a small secret that stayed between the knowledge of the brothers. The secret might seem small but when the people would know about it, nothing but shock would be present.

The twins had an unidentified older sibling, a she, a sister. Her identity was unknown to anyone in the empire, she had lurked far within the shadows of the kingdom, and had rested in a secret area that the twins had set up for her.

Their sister was like, the embodiment of balance for the twins -Postivity being Dream and negativity being Nightmare- she would tell them the right along with the wrong, she was their mentor, their secret mentor.

But today, the sister longed for something, she longed to be shown to the outside world, to be free and be allowed to explore what lingers around at the unknown.

(Timeskip to the present)

It wasn't an everyday thing to sight an empress in hold of a warrior, it's definitely peculiar for others but for the two who were doing the action, had felt as if it was a very common thing.

The duo had conversed with one another about their lives, what's done and what's left to be done, a sweet form of bond it was while they sat at the castle garden.

"I love your idea Ms. (Y/N), its very amiable and so aspiring!"

(Y/n) beamed at the general's compliment, never once had she recieved such gracious praise, at least from someone who isn't one of her brothers. A small yet meaningful grin had formed on the empress' face, which was directed completely to the fearless warrior that stood before her.

"I thank you for that praise, Ink, very quaint of you"

Ink nodded back at her, "But of course your majesty, it is never painful (difficult, hard to do) to shrift (to admit) to you your absolute (Perfect) deserving (merit, reward), but, though I really wish to spend more time with you my dear, I have to take my leave, my deepest apologies, perhaps next time we could perform our courtship when I'm unoccupied?"

(Y/n) felt her elegant visage (face) grow warm by his sly words, her heart beated faster than the pace it went from the start. She couldn't be false with herself, she herself knew that feelings towards the warrior had grew in her heart but she had no wish to shrift to the hazy feeling.

Bile had arisen at her throat as she felt greatly nervous for how she should reply.

"Yes, its better we pall (to wrap up) our little c-courtship, as you say it, I do have some errands to attend to anyway, so, t-thou (you) may go"

(Y/n)'s mind had went blank, she felt so zany (idiotic, clownish) for using the term 'thou' as a representation of her formality, it sounded so out-of-place that she wished to cower away at a dark corner in regret. Though Ink had left without a question or retort to her choice of speech, humiliation wasn't leaving her anytime soon.

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