Overprotective!Dust x Overprotective!Fem!Reader

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Requested by: @Reluctant_Follower9

Plot: The Reader is Dream and Nightmare's older triplet sister. Both Dust and the reader are overprotective of one another.

Warning(s): A bit angsty, some feels, far-fetched envy, mentions of LGBT couples

Topic: Flashbacks of Jealousy


"Dream! It hurts!"

Dream worriedly looked down at his sister,

"I..uhh..I apologise, j-just stop moving so much!"

"How can I not!? You didn't even give me time to adjust myself! You just slammed me down!"

"I-I'm sorry! It thought you were used to this! Dust told me you and him d-do this often!"

"Yeah but he isn't as rough!"

"S-sorry sorry"

Dream lifted the fallen debris off of his sister and gently carried her out of the hole. Sneaking his arms underneath her own, he dragged her towards the wall which was decorated with a stain glass portrait of herself.

Panting desperately she smacked Dream's arm, to which he winced at. He looked at her apologetically while simultaneously lifted her arm over his back and guided her out of the training room.

Once they reached the entrance, there paced a worried Dust, who cradled his head in his arms seeming to be deep in thought. Fret was written all over his darkened expression.

As their shoes clicked against the marble floor, the sound reached Dust's point of hearing and when he realised what has happened, he was met with a Cloakless Dream carrying (Name).

(Name) was covered in dust, soft scratches all over and her hair was all over the place, a hot mess. Dust rushed over to her, pushing Dream out of the way and immediately bombarded (Name) with random questions, mostly addressing her state.

"Are you alright? Are you okay? How are you feeling?"

"Oh I feel amazing, it's bloody Christmas morning for me! No Dust! I'm hurt alright?"

Dust's pupils disappeared as he looked over at Dream,

"What did you to her? You imbecile!"

He summoned a gaster blaster meant specifically for him, yet Dream remained unfazed. (Name) reached out for Dust but he just smacked her away, knocking her out.

Dust was too fixated on ending Dream that he had forgotten the sole purpose of why he was doing this, not even noticing he hurt the person he tried to protect.

He had constant reminders of what had happened in the past, how Chara ended his brother's life.



That was all Dust could think as he swiftly ran back to Snowdin, he would've teleported but unfortunately, if he would, he won't have enough magical energy to fend off the threat that endangers his brother's life.

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