A/N: I'm alive and this book will be continued!!!

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Hai hai!

Agh, I'm really sorry. I know I haven't been updating for months and maybe almost a yesr now and I know I don't actually have a good excuse for it but, I was busy studying for my final term exams which are extremely important.

And I was pretty much suffering from an illness recently and I just got discharged from the hospital a few hours ago.

I'm at home now and taking my medications. I just need some time to rest before I finalise all my drafts and post them by june the earliest or July by the latest.

Though I'll though honest, it's a little hard to write for a fandom I don't actually actively participate in anymore. But a promise is a promise, and I really wanna keep this book going.

So, about the lemons, I have drafted most of them and will be posting them on ao3 since they may be defying the guidelines.

I actually have the ao3 book ready too be posted soon too, so stay around for that if you'd like!

Do expect a mass update from the summer months, xD.

Anyways, I hope you all are safe, well, and in good hands. Please take care, I love you all! <3

And once again, really sorry for the abrupt disappearance.

I just needed a break from wattpad for a while =3


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⏰ Last updated: May 09, 2021 ⏰

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