Dream x Reader x Nightmare

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This was posted so late, I'm very sorry.

Requested by: XxRozxX11 (I forgot, dear lord kill me I'm so useless T^T)

Topic: Horsemen?



"Emperor Nightmare! We are low on resources, we lack the means to provide for the kingdom AND for ourselves, what shall we do?"

"Let the peasants rot, keep the rest and ratio it to our needs"

"I wouldn't advise that my lord, those peasants could prove as useful soldiers in the future"

Nightmare rolled his eyes at his advisor,

"What good is a soldier who endlessly coughs? A soldier who could easily deteriorate the health of the other soldiers in battle?"

"All will be mended once a cure is in place"

"And how long do you propose the creation of a cure would be?"

The advisor then remained silent, while Nightmare simply rolled his eyes at his advisor and dead panned. This pandemic had gone on for far too long, taking multiple lives each time. The whole thing had been delivering pulsating headaches to the emperor, and no remedy would subside said affliction.

But from a far, floating at the top of the castle, was a woman, a very powerful being. In fact, she was the reason this whole thing came to be.

Pestilence, one of the four Horsemen of the apocalypse, had created this awful pandemic upon request of her higher peers. The 2 empires have gone on an unstoppable onslaught for a fortnight, making it known to the angels above that they must sort things out and proceed with judgement.

She smirked, amused at the pained and agitated look on the dark emperor's skull.

Feeling slightly more playful, she tipped the chandelier at the top, making the fragile object drop to the ground, shattering in a multitude of glass shards.

The sudden action caught the attention of the emperor, surprised he was, having to see such an intricately placed furniture come crashing right on his area.

Fortunately, Killer managed to push him away as their bodies came rolling down the stairs which ascended to the throne.

Once deemed to be safe, Nigtmare shoved Killer off of him and gazed sternly at the incident.

He saw the chandelier he so dearly treasured, even if he refuses to admit it, shattered into pieces. All he felt was true despair, ironic really, he was the embodiment of such and when he himself felt it, all that was left was vulnerability, weaknesses he kept hidden.

The chandelier was actually a gift that came from his brother, sure they were at war, but that wouldn't subside the lingering feeling of brotherhood within, he despised that with a passion, he despised the fact that he still cares for that 'wretched vermin' as he would say.

And to see this sacred treasure shattered upon his throne only degraded his feelings more. But he refuses to show his dread openly, absolutely not, that would be a foolish felony done only by foolish fools, and he was not one of such.

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