Empireverse! Nightmare x Reader

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Topic: We meet again..

This is requested by DCcrafter33


Your POV

"Dream! Nightmare!"

They both looked in my direction and gave small smiles, I smiled in return, genuinely because I was glad to see them, especially my best friend Nightmare.

"Hey (Y/N)!" They both called, I ran to them and engulfed them in a hug; to show how deeply I missed them after not seeing each other for a year.

Me, Nightmare and Dream were 8,we loved playing together all the time by the three of harmony. We three were bundles of joy, which is ironic for Nightmare.

I spent most of my time with them before I had to leave soon, I was sad however, I knew I'd see them again.

~timeskip to teenage years~

I was off to visit my bestie once again, this time I brought gifts, one for Dream and one for Nighty, it was silver crowns decorated with specific coloured gems.

I made my way over to the tree of harmony, flabbergasted by the thought if giving the gifts to the two which are so dear to my heart. But, to my surprise, the sight I saw, was one I wish never had happened.

"N-nightmare! P-please!!"

My two best friends were fighting, they looked different especially Nighty. He grew tentacles and had black goop on him, his aura was dark and sad. I was scared, scared of him, I was frozen in place. I didn't know what to do.

Because of my luck, I created a loud sound which brought attention to me. Nightmare saw me and grinned, he aimed his tentacles st my direction and launched. I braced myself for impact however, there was none.

I opened my eyes only to see the tentacles a few centimeters in front of me. Nightmare seemed frozen, "N-nighty?". It seemed he snapped out  and then looked at me, I stepped back, he frowned and mouthed something, I couldn't make it out. Before I could even say anything, he left, he fled.

I remembered Dream and ran to his aid. But, I still wonder what Nightmare said.

~Another timeskip to present~

I wondered around the dark forest, looking for the fruit my Lord sent me to fetch for him. I was armed with a dagger and a bow, meaning Is as prepared to what could come. I wasn't part of this place, I ain't from the Sun empire or the Moon one. I was from another place, I just came here to get what was requested.

All of a sudden, I heard a rustle, I gripped my bow tightly, grabbing an arrow from my quiver. "Who's there?".

I heard footsteps from behind, I looked behind to find a hooded skeleton with purple glowing eyes, with red pupils it seemed, he wore a smirk that showed a ghastly intent.

I looked around me once more time find more skeletons, forming a circle around me, I was surrounded. 'This is bad'.

"What do you want?"

"You dearie~"

One lunged an axe at me, I dodged with great speed, having another attack aimed at me. I jumped on the nearest three and flipped from it while aiming three arrows at three skeletons then shooting. I got two wounded.

"Feisty~ Boss will like you"

I growled, "No one will take me!"

I summoned a rain if arrows at the skeleton, the skeleton was skilled, he dodged all the arrows except for one.

"That's where you're wrong~"

I quirked a brow but then felt an arrow coming my way,  I was about to turn around and catch the arrow but I was stabbed in my shoulder, I howled in pain, blood was spilling from my shoulder.

The blood loss caused me to black out.

~another timeskip~

I woke up to a cold surface, a stiney one at that, I realized I was in a cellar.

"Let me out!"

"I don't think so girl"

I turned around to see...



Cliffhanger, sorry, but, my back is in pain and I need to rest.

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