Blue x Fem!Reader

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This is my last oneshot (which is from Empireverse, I still have to do the author-chan one) before I depart from this book for a small while, really sorry that I'm going on a hiatus when I basically do take breaks every now and then for like..a decade lol. But yeah, I'm really trying my hardest to get organised and really treat this as a proper book so that the people who actually spend their precious time here, find something that they'll enjoy to read.

And honestly, I can never thank you guys enough for the endless support you all give.

So, here it is, final oneshot before my break, stay tuned for my next comeback ;3

Topic: A bite of heaven

Warnings: Slight Lime?




That was the last words of little miss (Name) who was incredibly exhausted after the stress of piles and piles of work, along with the training she had to do. Especially when her coach is as energetic as..literally no idea. He's just a bundle of energy, unstoppable energy that never seems to stop, it's crazy!

After a total of 70 push-ups under 2 minutes, all her limbs gave up causing her to flop down on the rubber surface.

"70 push-ups under 2 minutes!? Are you insane!?"

(Name) only groaned and panted heavily, completely ignoring the petty words that escaped her coach's mouth.

"(Surname)! Your numbers decreased by 10! You got 80 push-ups last time, a huge jump from your regular 50 push-ups! But now, you're slowly falling back to square 1! Damn it woman! Perk up not down!"

(Name) groaned and stared at Blue menacingly, though he stood unfazed, and thrusted her finger against his chest with utmost pressure.

"Oh please Blue! You know very well that I'm one of the strongest warriors here! Hell without me, none of you would be alive if it wasn't for my healing abilities and magical capabilities!"

Blue pinched the bridge of his nose in disappointment before looking back at (Name) with his hypnotising bright blue eyes.

"You can't just rely on the power your abilities give you! You need to be a stronger vessel too!! Brute strength!"

"Well you can barely lift up a great sword and your proliferation ability won't help you much either, besides, you can barely keep me down during our..times together"

(Name) sent a suggestive wink towards Blue's direction, causing him to flush slightly in embarrassment for a moment, but, due to his capabilities, he regained composure, ready to throw a comeback right back.

"May be true yet I always end up finishing our sessions since, my stamina enables me to last way longer while you would be out cold"

(Name) buried her face in her hands momentarily, flushed by yet another mention. She sighed before standing up, shaking slightly in the process, but holding onto Blue for support which he gladly gave to her.

"Come on, let's get you back to our chambers, perhaps we should've laid off from the training, if you want, I can make you s-some tacos (A/N: Like I said before, this universe is still in the modern world but they live like the old times), and we can c-cuddle each other in our b-bed"

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