Cross x Sorceress!Reader Finale

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"Hello, Lady Y/n"

Y/n couldn't believe her eyes, the person who sat next to where she laid ill and weak was most definitely Cross, but that was simply impossible. She was told that he had died, that he had not made it which, really did sadden her, and the fact that she was blamed for it, even if she herself knew she wansn't responsible, only made her sulk further.

Her sudden mood changed the aura around her, dimmed and broad, void of positivity. Cross took notice if it and immediately snapped her out of it.

"Lady Y/n! You mustn't! You'll be susceptible to Nightmare's detection if negativity! Continue forth in this despair route and you'll get yourself killed along with the rest of the tramps!"

Y/n realised what he meant and attempted to quickly dismiss all those piling negative thoughts out of her. Cross was indeed right, she was human, no matter of her magical abilities, and humans are far more fragile in both mind and body, making them an easy target for Nightmare if they were ever to face intense negativity.

In her attempts if getting rid of those thoughts, which didn't really end well, she recalled what Cross said.

'You'll get yourself killed along with the rest of the tramps!'

Her eyes widened

'Rest of the Tramps!'

"Rest of the tramps..."

"Wowza! Aye! C'mere my radical broskis, I've got some rad news for ya'"

(I understand that the way Fresh speaks is a hit complicated and very much not fit to the era of this universe, but I did do more research on the empireverse by lunaar-chan, who is an amazing artist by the way, and it seems as if this really was set in the modern times but somehow they treat and live the way it would be in the medieval times, anyway, off-topic let's continue)

Flinching from the shock of the sudden arrival of another, Cross and Y/n looked towards the door to see yet another skeleton who was dressed in am 80's neon like attire. But his speech style screams modern and...slang.

"Did I scare ya? Well, my buddy chum pal, raditastical bruhs, I've got news so, ignore ya'r fears of me and come out, will ya? Now I gotta go and skiddadle, YOLO!"

(Kill me, I really don't know how to match his character XD)

And with that he ran off, even in the distance you can hear him say 'I'm gonna slide into some girl's DMs!', whatever that is.

The 2 people were left, deadpanning at the door, pondering as to what in the world had just happened. It's not everyday you meet someone who looks like he's from the past but is also modern and futuristic, mind boggling really.

Shifting their gaze, they ended up looking directly at one another before chuckling lightly.

"I think someone's gone bonkers, do you agree?"

Cross lowly chuckled and smirked lightly at the female, who reacted with a tint of pink plastered across her cheeks.

"I concur"

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