Cross x Sorceress!Reader Part 2

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"You really shouldn't be here, you're just wasting your time"

Y/n rolled her eyes in annoyance, halting her actions and glaring at the ill skeleton. "Pray tell General, is it such a challenge for you to keep your mouth shut as I focus on trying to help you"

Cross chuckled in reply, "Why, I'm afraid not. I'm diagnosed with immense boredom along with a monstrous illness and since your forte is magical healing, I would've taught you were capable of healing me within a day Lady Y/n, but it seems I have overestimate-"

Before long, Cross was pinned against the wall headboard, two long arms prevented any form of physical escape, there was even a binding spell to block his use of magic. Y/n looked at her patient sternly, "Do not test me, General Cross, I am already suffering with urgency of needing to heal you and if it wasn't for your constant insults, I would've treated you faster so enough!"

But it seemed her words were unnoticed by Cross, for he was too distracted by the 'innuendo' interpretation of their position. He felt his cheekbones turn warm as he looked at the stern expression on the lady's face, he took the time to observe it.

Her eyes were piercing him with the pools of e/c, her gentle, smooth s/c complexion was a stark contrast to her h/c coloured hair which was disheveled and messy due to their collision, yet, it complemented her appearance. But he felt his eyes wander directly to her lips, those plump, inviting lips. He couldn't deny that the past few days with her, even if it was filled with constant bickering, he felt attached.

Feeling satisfied, she let go of her hold on him, causing his arms to drop harshly the wooden edges of the bed as he winced slightly. Soon enough, she returned to her previous task but not before uttering,

"I presume you will keep your trap shut, general, for I really wish to end your suffering, even if your presence troubles me so"

However, it was quite the opposite. Lady Y/n's words were dishonest, no truth, well, except for the fact that she wishes to 'end his suffering' meaning save him from the illness. As for presence, she, honestly, doesn't mind it. Truth be told, it actually didn't, in fact, she quite liked it. He was her company, throughout her days in the tower, trying to save the general from a fatal end. She felt herself smile secretly around him, and she loved jokingly arguing with him, it was child's play to her. Their banters were more or less playful, nothing too drastic or extreme.

With Cross, he was definitely silenced, not through fear, lack of energy or just obedience. It was through rejection. No matter if what the latter had told him was true or not, it hurt him. Deeply. The fact that she clearly stated her annoyance with his very presence, with no single stammer, wounded him. It was like poison, no, it was actually indescribable. To feel that agony upon hearing those simple yet brutal words from the person you so deeply admire, sure, not as painful as losing someone entirely, but it's enough to make your heart swell with sadness, even if you aren't aware.

Lady Y/n took notice of his silence, she had not expected him to be so obedient, it felt so alien. She glanced at his direction and saw his gloomy expression; his eyeockets were dark, his pupils dilated, his skull clenched. Overall, he emitted an aura of terrifying negativity. 'How handsome he looks no matter his mood', she felt her cheeks turn warm and quickly withdrew her gaze to avoid any from of humiliation on her side.

But she still decided to acknowledge the situation.

"Quite a shocker General Cross, for you to listen to my commands so quickly with no sort of sarcastic remark"

Yet again, no response.

"I understand I had told you to be silenced but as of now, I ask you to reply"

Still no response.

Now, Y/n went to slight panick mode and looked at him, his eye sockets were closed but there didn't seem to be any form of breathing, it almost seemed lifeless.

She ran over to him, "Cross, Cross! Can you hear me? CROSS!", no matter her pleas, no response reached her. Panicking even more, she shaked him vigorously in a desperate attempt to awaken him but to no avail. Bile rose up to her throat as tears welled up in her eyes, "No no, the saints above have not given up on you, not now, not yet and not ever!"

With burning lungs she screeched, "HELP, SIR CROSS IS DOWN"


Sorry for the multiple parts

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