Empireverse!Killer x Child!Reader

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Requested by maricargayapa

I'm not sure if they meant as in a lost child or Killer's child but, I think I'll do the lost child one for this.

Topic: Forever remembered you'll be

Warning: Abandonment, Sad, Angst (Maybe), little bit of NightKiller here, a softie Nightmare

Killer's P.O.V

I was doing my daily routine patrol around the perimeter of the castle, I had to make sure there was no sudden attack from the other empire.

It's been an hour and a half at most, I sighed, it was boring considering it was late at night meaning the whole empire would be in slumber.

Continuing on, a sudden shuffle nearby was heard ".. Please!...Someone, anyone, I require aid!" A voice pleaded, clearly worn out and haggard. I contemplated whether I was to assist this woman, a part of me wished to move my choices   to her aid but the other wanted otherwise.

I came to a decision and decided it was best to just leave her be, besides, there is too risky of a chance that the woman would trick me while off guard, it's happened quite often to the others, I do not wish to make the same mistake like them.

"Please Sir! I am in great need, do not leave me at such a state!" The stranger pleaded once again, this caused me to halt at where I stood, like earlier, this made me have yet another debate between my two consciences.

Subconsciously, my body had already turned and trudged over to the woman, curious to know what had caused the woman to start such a ruckus. (Is that how its spelled?)

"What do you want? Don't you dare trick me!" I warned, pulling out my weapon, aiming it directly at her face, the expression of trepidation and fright  plastered onto her face. The woman whimpered, "P-please, take my child! I'm b-being chased! P-prithee (Please in older english), take my child!!" She opened her once-crossed arms to reveal a child, a beautiful one, its skin little and soft, hair soft as silk, mouth small and luscious, I wanted to touch it so badly. The baby was a sight to see, the most extravagant child born.

I wanted to scoff and move along continuing my patrol yet a tad part  forced me to stay, to stay and inherit the child from its dying mother, an emotion unfamiliar to me, perhaps a feeling of..warmth, tenderness, love had engulfed my emotions. I felt the baby draw me to it, pulling me to its aura. I sighed grabbing the baby and bidding the woman a good luck which she smiled at.

Walking a perimeter round the castle with the infant on my hands, caressing it ever so slightly, admiring what the baby had possessed in its physique. I felt, glad I chose to keep the infant, however, a vague fear had twisted my soul.

"What was I to do if Nightmare were to find out?"

(A 14 years jump)

Surprisingly, he accepted the child, he too felt the same that I've experienced once I met the infant, well, infant doesn't suit her anymore, it's more of teen now.

(Y/n) was the bright sunshine in our empire, most thought she fits better in the Sun empire but her heart stood here, how happy I was.

I had taught her how to fight and defend herself, how fast she had learnt all of it. Proud I was for her.

But as of now, worry was all that had filled my heart, Nightmare sent her to war, because of my unstoppable reverence to Nightmare and trust in her, I let her go, yet I now regret it. What if she was confused? What if she hasn't learnt enough? What if she gets injured? What if she doesn't return!? Now anxiety had really caught me around its tip, I hoped with all my soul that she would live and I would get to see her again.

"Killer, my comrade, as much as I enjoy negativity,  I don't like it if it lies within you, rest now, do not worry about her, she'll return, I'm sure of it" Nightmare told, I find his advice true but yet my instinct wants otherwise. "That is an order Killer"

His command was for me to follow, and off I was to my chamber, what I'd do there? Probably sulk myself in worry until the darkness of exhaustion consumes me.

(Timeskip (Sorry))


I jolted awake from the sudden call, what would someone want from me now? Fixing my clothing ever so slightly, I got up and opened my chamber doors, greeted by Cross, weirdly enough, hangdog written all over his skull.

Confusion arised, "What seems to be matter Cross?" "Killer, Nightmare needs to tell you something, it's really important and also, don't get mad" with that, he left.

Me? Mad at my leader? There's no way! I wouldn't dare. I mustn't keep him waiting. Running dow the halls back to the throne room I was.

I looked over to the throne where sat a tired, and sulking Nightmare, his head was faced downwards.  "Nightmare? Cross told me you needed to speak with me?" Nightmare looked up, to my surprise, tears had fell down his skull, sadness all over his expression (You know where this is going-). I ran over to him in hopes of calming him down.

"M-my lord? What's wrong?" He looked at me, pained, "K-killer, she's gone" I was confused, who was gone?

"Nightmare? Who are you talking about?"

"Killer, (Y/n)'s gone

She's dead"


(Third person)

It's been a long day,

Rain poured around on the grass, droplets forming on each piece.

Without you my friend

The soil slowly moisturising

And I'll tell you all about it

The clouds darkening

When I see you again

Amidst of all the nature surrounding, was a skeleton

We've come a long way

The skeleton was Killer, a brave warrior of the Moon empire, he was reading the object in front of him, melancholic whilst doing so.

From where we began

In front of him was a stone,
a gravestone

Oh I'll tell you all about it

Written was:

When I see you again




Forever remembered you'll be'

When I see you again

"I love you so much, forgive  me for not protecting you"


I'm sorry-

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