Empireverse! Dream x Rouge! Reader Part 2

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Y'all, this is a semi-lemon, so, prepare, for the cringe!!


Your P.O.V

I'm currently making my way back to my room, after the scrumptious dinner we had, to get some shut eye.
I was indeed exhausted, and when I'm exhausted, I need to sleep.

So, I was just making my way through the long and huge (that's what you said) hallways, trying to find my dorm, sometimes I wished they had a  map of this place.

I suddenly got the feeling someone was following me, I looked behind to find no one. I swiftly ran to the nearest room that I could find and closed the door. It was particularly dark in the room I went in to but at the moment, I could care less.

I took deep breaths to calm myself.
"Come on, you are the captain of the guards man! Don't be so paranoid over a simple feeling!"

"How funny, I didn't even have to drag you in here, you went in yourself"

I heard a voice behind me, I quickly tried to fiddle around to find my weapon to only find it missing.

"What the-"

"Looking for this?~"

I turned behind only to see a hooded figure with yellow glowing eyes, beside the figure was my weapon floating, bordered with some yellow magic.


This strange person kissed me, I tried to push them off but I couldn't, I couldn't move at all, at this point I was at the brick if tears.

Soon, the person pulled away.

"Wow, I didn't know you're lips would feel and taste that amazing"

"Who are you? What do you want?"


The lights flickered on, I looked at the figure and realized it was..


He chuckled, "Yeah?"


"Sorry hon, I didn't mean to scare you that much.."

"It's fine, but, why did you do that anyways?"

He blushed instantly, a line of gold and yellow was brushed on his cheekbones.

"Dream? Are you alright my lor-"

"I did that because we had to do something tonight..."

He looked away, gold still tinting his cheeks, "Hon, what was it?"

"You really don't remember?"

I tilted my head in confusion, 'what was he talking about..Wait a minute..'


"Am I gonna have a sibling?"

Me and Dream blushed deeply, we looked at each other.


He nodded..


~Flashback end~

I realized what he meant, I then felt the warmth on my cheeks, indicating that I was blushing.

"A-are you talking a-about-"

He nodded.

'Oh wow, this is crazy! I'm going to fuck my own king or technically my husband, I'm just a warrior!'

"If you want to do it! If you don't it's okay-mph!"

I kissed him, 'holy crap I can't believe I just did that'

He was shocked for a moment but melted in with the kiss, he kissed back with absolute passion.

I didn't know how to describe this glorious feeling, it felt so good and so right, I felt so..safe too.

He opened his mouth and let his tounge glide onto my lower lip, from what I know I'm supposed to open my mouth, and so I did just that.

His tounge travelled around my wet cavern, exploring each and every corner of it, I moaned at the extravagant feeling.

I then curled my tounge with his as he did too, like a small dance, twirling and holding each other tightly.

He did another motion which basically caused him to suck on my tounge, he moaned in the kiss which sent vibrations through my body causing me to feel absolute pleasure. I didn't want it to stop. So I let him take control and make me his.

"Ah~ Dream~ make me yours" He smiled in the kiss and pulled away. "With pleasure my Love"

He pushed on his bed lightly and crawled on top. He looked at me with the most loving expression ever, "gosh, you look absolutely stunning under me". I blushed, flustered at his comment.

" You look handsome as well" He chuckled, he slowly stripped me off my clothes, as I stripped his clothes off. Both of us only in our undergarments.

"Gosh, you are sexy" I giggled at his praises. I love him and nothing is going to change that.

"Let's get to the real deal hun, you ready?"

"I was born ready love"

"Let's get down to buisness~"


Part 3 will be next

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