Empireverse! Cross x Sorceress!Reader

866 16 13

Topic: Unrequited love

Sorry for such a long delay, I had taken a break from this book but I am so thrilled and overjoyed to have returned, unexpectedly, it reached such a high number of reads! I am ever grateful for such a blessing from all of you! Wattpad even asked if I wanted to set this up for participation in Wattys! But I refused, I was already satisfied to know so many of you are willing to sacrifice invaluable time to read these shorts, thank you.


Requested by: IceDream25


(Third person)


In the territorial grounds of the two opposing empires, a plague had grown vastly throughout, many were affected leaving them in disdain but along with that came the fatality of several yet amongst those few, some were lucky to have survived and were even immune.

Unfortunately, a cure was yet to be found or created, causing high risk to the very lives of those who resided in the area, this meant extra precaution was to be set at each of the empires, especially at the extents of the castle grounds.

The emperor of the Moon empire felt that at this grave epidemic, would be the best time to invade the opposing empire as their vulnerability would be at high peak at this rate but also the fact that most soldiers were immune or unaffected to the disease which set his mindset at a point of invasion and war.

And so, the emperor did just that, he announced his ever-glorious plan to his colleagues, telling them to prepare a large defense and offense as their attack would take place by the strike of midnight, when a full moon would be set directly at the centre of the empire.

Unfortunately, his thoughts were incorrect, as the full moon was appearing, the general was facing some..health issues. Sir Cross was, by no means, in shape for battle, especially like one of such a scale. If he even dared to set foot at the Sun Empire kingdom, he would drop dead since his health is at a critical state.

Surprisingly, Emperor Nightmare had concluded that their little rendezvous was to be postponed until his general, along with the other victims, fully recover for an effective trial.


Cross laid on his bed seemingly sulking in pure sadness, he felt helpless, weak. The disease was, for now, incurable. Thousands of civilisations fell to it's deathly embrace, but Cross didn't want to experience his end just yet, not now, not while the tension between the empires had grown.

Not while his closest friend would fall to his brother.

He simply wouldn't allow it, he would never be able to bear the sight. Dream held a special place in his heart, he didn't want to loose that friendship, not now, not ever.

Summoning all of his strength he tried to get up but alas, his strength had depleted.

Flopping back onto his bed, he growled in frustration.

"GARGHHH! Why? Why now!??"

Just as he was having his small little fit, Killer comes in, "Cross, it seems you may have hope after all, even if it is quite small"

This perked Cross' interest, hope? A small hope to finally get rid of this damned disease!?, He was more than willing to give in to this small hope.

Killer stepped aside and soon after, a maiden carrying a staff entered. She wore a long cloak with a gradient of a royal blue to a deep navy blue, to complement it, constellations like patterns were embroidered onto the fabric, giving a little glow to the whole outfit. Her attire within was simple yet sophisticated.

She wore a white blouse which was secured in place with a brown leather corset. To complete it, she wore tight silk pants partnered with black boots accented with silver.

But all these features were not taken to notice by Cross, "So, you are my last hope?"

The sorceress scoffed, "Do I not meet thy standards? If thou wishes another to treat him, it would be my utmost pleasure to leave"

"Please excuse his vile choice of speech, the illness has taken quite a toll on him, whatever it is you need to do in order to free him from his despair, do as you wish"

The sorceress nodded whilst smirking at the fallen soldier, who only replied with a fearful expression.

Her eyes left his and lingered throughout the room, examining each piece that laid. She caressed the slightly dusty table with her delicate fingers, feeling the smooth timber wood beneath the cloak of dust.

"I am free to doth (do) what I would (wish) with all of this?"

Killer nodded, amused at the subtle excitement that failed to be masked in the woman's expression.

"Yes, Lady (Y/n), all of this is now yours, courtesy of our Emperor, all he asks in return, is to revive his fallen soldier"

"Thank you, prithee, Sir Killer, send mine (my) gratitude to thy (your) emperor and tell him that I intend to exert utmost effort to heal his warrior too"

Killer nodded an bowed, swiftly leaving the room leaving the two strangers in a tension-filled air. Cross tried to get up yet again but Y/n quickly pushed him back down. Cross glared at her,

"Let me be, you can go leave, I am capable of helping myself"

The sorceress laughed,

"Oh really? Mine mine, even through the eras, men haven't changed one bit, prithee Sir Cross, stay down, I gave my word to your Lord that I would do all I can to assist your condition but if you keep persisting, this redemption of his will never come true and will merely be a fantasy"

Finally complying to her, he laid back down and stayed. She stood up, strutting over to the counter, opening her potions book,

"And so will your chance at seeing the man you fancy (like) so dearly"

With that said, Cross' sockets widened in shock,

"W-what ever are you talking about insolent fool!"

Y/n chuckled lowly,

"Do not mistake as me as a clone of thy own idiocy Sir Cross, but if thou must really know, well, let's just say, knowledge is meant to be passed but is also meant to be kept hidden from darkened hearts"

Cross laid confused, this maiden speaks in riddles, I pity myself for what's to come..


Again, I apologise for not being here for the so long, life's been hectic as of late so, yeah.

Oh, quick notice, I plan to create a remastered edition of the Dream X Reader Lemon, I felt it seemed too..exaggerated and unrealistic, tell me if I should create a remastered chapter and keep the old one or just edit the original completely?

Let me know darlings!

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