Empireverse!Ink x Ex! Reader

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I haven't done an Ex reader so, it's a new experience, anyway, hope you enjoy, requested by, Nirami_Musume

Ink's P.O.V

Apparently I had to get a new partner, since my old one got pregnant by her husband, which meant she can't fight anymore and must retire.

In all honesty, though she had her moments, she was very sweet and delightful to talk and hang out with, I really do miss her, I did like her at some point, but I will never love anyone as much as I was in love with her.


"Hey Ink! How was work?" My beautiful love asked.

"Amazing darling, I even brought a sweet gift for you, I really do hope you like it" 

I grabbed my bag and took out the box, it was a red box covered with red fabric, intricate gold details made the box stand out. I walked up to (Y/N) and gave it to her. 'Really hope she likes it'.

"Inky! You shouldn't have!" I smiled. "But I should've love, and I did, open it"

She opened it, and to her surprise, it was a necklace, with a locket, the locket was made with a rainbow diamond, heart shaped, the inside of the locket was clear glass.

I saw tears in her eyes, "Where did you get this? How much was it?".

"I didn't buy it, it was a family artifact. My father gave this to my mother as a sign of their undying love, he gave it to me once I was 18 and said that one day, I will give this locket to someone I dearly love, and it's you, I love you so much that I can't live without you"

She was crying, crying so much it stained that beautiful face of hers.

"No, sweetie don't cry, come on my love, don't do cry!"

She giggled and hugged me. I hugged back, kissing her forehead.

"I love you so much Ink! You have no idea"

I smiled at that, "I love you too darling"

~flashback end~

I sighed, it was good while it lasted, I miss (Y/N) so much, I miss her angelic voice, her beautiful face, her luscious body and her beautiful personality.

I had tears forming slightly as I thought of her. 'Gosh dang it Error! You stole her from me! You- ugh'.


I quickly dried my tears and looked back. I realized it was Outer. "Oh, hey Outer, how ya doing?".

"Oh, good, but that's not what I came here for, I'm here to say that your partner is here, she's waiting in the main corridor of the castle. I nodded and made my way there.


I reached there after a few minutes, seeing everyone there.

"Ink" Dream whispered, "put your mask on", I nodded and put my mask on, it was a custom in the empires to put your mask in when meeting a partner, especially if its a girl.

He nodded back, "Go on, you're partner is here huntress"

Just then, a maiden in armor came out. She, was so, stunning, my gaze stayed on her and never left. Her face was covered by a (F/C) mask, I wish I could see her face.

"Hello, I am huntress, what is your designation partner?"

"Encre, partner (these are just names that they can call you instead if your actual names, it's also a sign of respect, it indicates a higher rank if you are nicknamed)"

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