Empireverse! Error x Daughter of Nightmare! Reader

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Your P.O.V

"(Y/N)!! Come here dear"

I groaned in annoyance and went inside the 'meeting' room. I opened the door to see everyone including my dad in the room, a map placed on top of the table.


"We are going to raise an attack at the empire of the Sun, I need you to accompany the others"

I rolled my eyes while huffing in frustration, "Seriously? Why me!?"

"Because you are one of the best warriors in the empire!"

"Do you not think I will get injured? Or hurt? Or worse, perish? Dad, why don't you care!?"

Father's eye twitched in annoyance whilst making a gesture to the others ordering to leave the room, they all left but I saw a few of them send me sympathetic look, I just rolled my eyes and scoffed.

As they all left, the door shut, father then sighed.

"Look, we need to conquer the empire of the sun, take their land and annihilate my brother! Or better yet, make all of those idiots our slaves!"

I groaned, "Why must both of you be at war? Why can't you just leave them alone and rule this place in peace!"

"Why? For the kingdom of course!"

"Huh!? For the kingdom? Really!? ARE YOU THIS PERSISTENT? ARE YOU REALLY THIS F*CKING PERSISTENT ON LYING? LYING TO THE WHOLE F*CKING WORLD AND TO YOUR SELF?!? Oh my gosh, I didn't think you were this idiotic and selfish! How the f*ck were you able to inherit the throne when you are such an idiot! Gosh, now I really see why you were the one who was disgraced instead of your bro- AGH!"


I whimpered in pain, Dad had pinned me to the wall with his tentacles while one of them was choking me, shortening my breathing (Very kinky-*slapped*).

"IF YOU EVER DARE DISGRACE ME LIKE THAT AGAIN.. ", the tentacle on my neck held tighter, " I'll forget the fact that you are my daughter and tear you apart, limb from limb, while I absorb and take in the fear and negative energy that's emitting from you to make me more powerful, I don't need a worthless piece of sh*t anyway, just like your pathetic mother"

I had tears in my eyes, his tentacle let go of me as I dropped to the floor, gasping for breath.

"Go to your room you worthless piece of sh*t!"

I got up and ran out of the room, tears clouding my vision, because of my blurry vision, I couldn't properly see and bumped into someone.


We both fell to the floor, "Sorry!"


I recognize that voice, then it hit me, it was Error, one of my close friends in this wretched place, also my 3 year crush..

I blushed in embarrassment, I wiped my tears as I regained awareness of my surroundings.

"Y0u H-h4v3 To-o b-be C4rFu1 next t-time"

I nodded, still blushing. "(Y/N), look at me"

'His voice isn't glitching anymore, he must be serious'. I did as told and looked at him, "Y-yes?" 'Damn it I stuttered.. '

"I have something to tell you.. "

I swear my heart was pounding like never before

"I.. Uhh.. I'm madly in love with you.. "

'There it is! Those words, oh my gosh I'm alive'

"I love you too, Error, I really do.. But.. "

Error looked hopeful but it was soon gone once I said 'but', "Do you have feelings for someone else to?" He asked in sadness.

"NO! No no no, it's just that, our love is kinda forbidden... "

"Then we'll run away together.. "

I looked at him with wide eyes, "Dad will hunt us down and plus we have nowhere else to go!"

He looked away for a bit and then looked at me, I knew what he was thinking

"Will they accept us?"


It's been years since we've been in the empire of the Sun, my Dad's empire was obliterated and so was he, his companions we're gone excepting Cross, he lives here since apparently he was with Dream.

I've been so confused for the past few days because, it is said that betraying your kingdom and removing your mark will get you killed but some mysterious entity talked to us and somehow, removed it, I'm still at the point of confusion to how that is possible but, it is to be expected.

Me and Error have been dating for 3 years now, a few cuddles and quick cheek kisses but never a kiss on our mouths, funny, isn't it?

Anywho, Dream called us all to have a little feast and so I'm making my way there right now.

I opened the large doors which lead to the dining room, intricately designed with gold.

I saw almost everyone there, I found an empty seat next to Error.

The food came in, the aroma was mouth watering, so intoxicating.

We all had a good feast, when Error called out to everybody.

We looked at him in curiousity, "Error? Do you wish to say something?"

"Yes, a-actually.. "

I rose my brow, 'what is going on?'

He stood up and let out a long sigh, "(Y/N), we've been together for so long, 3 years upmost, we've been through thick and thin, took care of each other, loved each other, protected each other, nothing ever broke our bond which is why, I ask of you"

He kneeled down with one knee, he took out a red box, everyone was gasping in surprise, I knew what was going to happen that I couldn't help but let tears roll down.

"(Y/N), will you make me the most happy being on Earth and accept me? Be with me forever?

Will you marry me?"


I ran up to him and gave him a long passionate kiss.


"Likewise, my dear"

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