Dream X Reader X Nightmare Part 4

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I know, I know, I keep prolonging this and I'm not catering you all well but uhmm, here lol. I've set the updates for every Saturday or Sunday. Hopefully I can live up to that >~<

Warnings: Angst
Let's get straight to the point!! ^^



Dream couldn't help but feel worry over (Name). Sure, he had only known her for a moment but, the feeling of fret washed over him, doused him, it just wouldn't leave him alone. And from the lessons that he grew up with, trusting your instincts was important, so, who was he to disobey the teachings of the past?

Dream power-walked towards her, placing a hand gently on her shoulder. "(Name), are you...certain?" (Name) tilted her head, wondering what the emperor meant, "Certain? About what?" Dream sighed, his yellow pupils glistening with concern. "What I mean is, are you sure that you are willing to fight in this war? This is a war that does not involve you in anyway possible so..I don't see why you are so bent on partaking in this battle" (Name) nodded her head, "Yes, you're right, I have no direct involvement, at least-" She stopped walking, turning towards Dream.

Suddenly, she wrapped her arms around his frame, leaving him appalled
"Miss..(N-Name)? Is everything alright?" Dream sensed a rush of warmth gracing his cheekbones. He was clearly flushed. (Name) just nuzzled her head further into his collarbone, "At least, a reason which you are unaware of" Her arms left his body. The warmth that she emitted during their embrace was now a ghostly sensation. "W-what?" Dream snapped out of his trance, shaking his skull before realising the disappearance of the woman.

"Miss (Name)?"


Nightmare looked at Cross, who sat across from him at the table, gazing at the guide they had in front of them. "Cross" His eyes shifted from the map and locked it with Nightmare's, "Yes my liege?" Nightmare crossed his legs, leaning his head against his palm, "Have you seen that..(Name) before?" Nightmare questioned Cross, who looked at the distance, his skeletal index finger tapping at his skull as he pondered.

He looked at Nightmare and shook his head, "I'm afraid I haven't my liege" Nightmare nodded, twirling a chess piece in his fingers, "But her name, rings a bell doesn't it?" Cross glanced at him, curious of the meaning of his words, "Pardon, my liege?" Nightmare sighed, "What I mean is that..when you speak her name, it gives you a mysterious rush, a feeling akin to a sense of nostalgia" He placed the pawn back down, locking his fingers together as he placed his skull up top the back of his skeletal hands. "It's familiar, oddly..so very familiar" Cross nodded, "I agree, her name is indeed recognisable" He got up from his seat and rolled up the contents he brought for the one on one discussion, "However, I am not sure where I've heard this name before"

"The same applies to me, I too don't know" Nightmare got up from his own chair and started to walk, side by side with Cross, "I would've simply ignored it, but, somehow, I can't...bring myself to doing so" Cross listened intently whilst cradling his materials. Nightmare gazed down, a rare solemn expression plastered on his skull, "It haunts me, the feeling of wanting to know who she really is.." His pupils shrunk, his breathing ragged. His skeletal hand reached up to his skull, rubbing it in frustration.

Nightmare loathed the moments when he couldn't get a grasp on what was really going on. He hated being clueless. His frustration of that fact was sound; his shoulders dropped down, his slimy substance oozing out even more. He looked so upset, so vulnerable.

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