Cross x Sorceress!Reader Part 3

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"Lady Y/n, m'lord wishes for your presence"

But those words floated elsewhere for the young woman stayed stressed and bewildered.

'Impossible! I gave him a potion, a potion that would prevent any form of harm come his way! H-how!? cannot be!'

The soldier, unidentified at the moment, cleared his throat and urged her again.

"Lady Y/n, m'lord wishes for your presence at once!"

Fortunatley, his attempt was successful. She finally listened, evidently, as she turned her gaze towards him.

"A-apologies, prithee, why is your emperor looking for me?"

The soldier shook his head, as if giving an affirming no.

"I too know nothing of the matter, I was only told to escort you there, nothing more was said"

The sorceress gazed to the ground for a second, seemingly contemplating whether she was to comply or stay put.

Deciding on the former since choosing the latter would cost her life, she obliged and stood up.

"I-I see"

The soldier reached out towards her as she reluctantly grabbed it, they began strutting over to the throne room.

Through the lengthy hallways, she felt the air grow thick, so much tension laid before it. Even the soldier's hands started getting clammy.


Moving forward, they reached their destination, and in stood many solemn faces, hangdog present on their expressions.

Casting her eyes towards the centre, she was met with an eerie sight in front of her.

Whereforth laid an aggravated emperor of the moon. His tentacles slightly swayed menacingly around him, his hand cradling the left of his skull, indicating he wasn't in a good mood, then again, when would he be.

The soldier let go of her hand, and gently urged her to go forward towards the beginning of the steps. And she obliged.

"Your highness, you asked for my presence? What ever is the matt-"

"Such insolence! BLASPHEMY! You fraud! You vulgar creature! HOW DARE YOU ATTEMPT TO KILL ONE OF MY BEST SOLDIERS!?"

"W-what? H-he..he's g-gone?"

Stumbling upon the news, she felt her heart swell, swell and sulk in the despair that laid within her. She swore to herself that she wouldn't let harm's way get their hands on him, however, it seems she really had no chance.


Again, she felt herself her struck by his hurtful words. With glossy eyes, and exasperated breathing, he glanced back at him.

"You are mistaken! I-I had no intention of killing him!"

Nightmare scoffed in response.

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