Overprotective!Dust x Overprotective!Reader Part 2

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Continuation of the other oneshot, beautiful ideas for a fluff was suggested to continue that quite angsty and dramatic oneshot.

I did realise that, though it was a Dust x reader, their interaction was kept to a minimum so, I took upon suggestions from my fellow wattpaders to deliver a fluff onsehot as a continuation.

A sequel which will fit perfect with the melodramatic theme of the first, albeit a stark contrast, it fits nonetheless. I do hope you enjoy!

Quick question; Do you guys know Boku no Hero Academia/My hero academia? I got back into it recently and have been thinking whether or not I should start a book dedicated to it but decided strongly against it since, you have seen the state of my management, I can barely keep up or find the motivation.

Sucks you know? When you're an imagination enigma, or a bundle of outbursts of creative plots and ideas tha you just want to write on but you never seem to finish? Literally me.

Anyway, I've kept you here long enough, enjoy ;>

Topic: Opening up


"Shame, I think our dinner tonight would've been delectable, a tasty combo of meals and such, don't you think?"

(Name) sighed and continued the gaze outwards,

Dust frowned slightly at the lack of reaction from her side, he had noticed her weird behaviour after the last events in question.

'I think it's time I ask her about the past, our partnership with one another has stayed locked for more than a year, I believe now would be suitable to establish deeper bonds'

(Name) took notice of the silence, she used her peripheral vision to catch sight of her lover, finding him deep in thought.

From what she can observe, she deduced that he was preoccupied with the many possibilities which would cause the uneasiness in her own heart, but he was unsure if his approach was right.

Sighing, (Name) let go of her hold on the windowsill and struttered over to the troubled warrior in training, feeling he was in need of her wisdom.

She was in fact older than him.

"You wish to know what troubles me, my dearest? I shall tell you, I do believe it is time I gave you insight on my past, and I'm sure the feeling is mutual"

Dust looked at her, with an expression which meant for her to continue speaking.

(Name) took a deep breath, bracing herself for what's to come.

"What bothered me earlier, why I was so..aggravated st the sight of Blue cradling you in his arms, with no intention of letting you go, was cause it reminded me of a feeling, a memory, a memory which was engraved deep in my heart, the memory of my first lover, Minerva"

Dust stayed silent as she explained slowly, he was glad to know she was ready to open up about her past, and she felt as if a shackle that locked her up was being released, she was slowly getting granted with her liberty.

"To finish off, she mouthed the words to me...those 5 words that haunt me 'til this day..'Til death do us part, then there you go..he shamelessly beheaded her, h-he even had the a-audacity t-to toy with her h-head.."

Dust was taken a back, for the ending of his story was so similar to hers that is lightly scared him, but, after knowing it, he only felt his will to love her get stronger.

He reached his hand out to her, gliding his fingers through her hair in an attempt to comfort her for her past loss, as he nuzzled into her neck.

Smirking, he deepened his voice and whispered in her ear,

"'Til Death Do Us Part huh? How peculiar, I was told the same thing when I lost my brother.. and the beheadings, how common..how unfortunate they both were left in the dust"

(Name) let out a breath she had no idea she was holding in, and nodded alongside her lover's statement whilst embracing him.

"Yeah..I suppose? Maybe it was fate, maybe it was.."

She then felt a chill run up her spine, not one that regarded fear or distress, rather realisation of a hidden detail. Disapprovingly, she shook Dust's shoulders and started scolding him for his use of humour when they were having such a serious and quite intimate moment with each other in reach, the audacity and confidence this monster has to ruin such perfection.

"Dust I seriously loathe your timings at times..apologies, not 'at' times, I meant ALL THE TIME! Why can't you focus on setting your priorities straight and just let go of letting loose once in a while and take things seriously you lazy bag of bones-"

Her small lecture was cut off by the snore that emitted from Dust, even a small bubble formed from his skeletal nostrils. (Name) gawked at it before playfully popping it, only for Dust to form yet another in his sleep.

She chuckled, 'He really doesn't take things seriously most of the time, despite that, when he does get serious, he could rival Nightmare's negativity and intimidation!'

But her trail of thoughts was interrupted when she had remembered an important detail that bothered her dearly along with the memory of her past.

Something that nit picked at her mind, something that worried her when she chose to train with her younger triplet. 'That damn positive star doesn't know when to hold back huh?'

Sighing at the thought, she carefully lifted up Dust off her shoulders, only to realise he had drooled slightly on her shoulder but, to (Name), it wasn't mush of a bother, she wasn't as squeamish with the idea of dirt getting on with her, I mean, if you had, you would not last a moment at all at the frontlines.

But, then again, she won't see the frontlines in a while.

After, laying Dust to rest at their shared bed, she got up to make dinner for the both of them yet not before she took out the note she had written beforehand, one that was made for her lover, along with a special box filled with an important thing, proof to her statement of love.

Smiling she read the contents of the note, feeling giddy yet also nervous for what was written. Their bond had grown further, and she was ready to strengthen it, ready to commit to the monster that showed endless possibilities of adventure and bonding.

She placed the note on the bedside table, then kissed Dust's temple, before getting up to continue the thing she had thought of.

Closer and closer she got to the entrance, the door growing larger in her view, her hand graced over the handle yet she stole a glance at Dust, before smiling and reaching down to her pocket to retrieve the item that proclaimed their love.

Gripping on it tightly, she felt tears lightly prick at her eyes and shifted her gaze at Dust one last time, and softly muttering..

"Sleep well, you'll need all the rest you can get, for me..

and for the child that I carry, I love you, future dad"


Weee, five more oneshots in the making and then I'll go into a hiatus!!

See ya'll ;>

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