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I sat in a chair wearing a tube top and very short jeans while a woman does my makeup and hair. This is not how I planned to spend my morning, I thought maybe I could take Brooklynn shopping, but with what money? It's actually kind of a good thing that I'm agreeing to do this, I desperately need money. "The director says he needs you in five minutes, so I hope you got your lines down. Also I know you brought that top from home so I hope you prepared to get it dirty." Natalia says while looking at her phone.

I gave her a small smile and try to keep my head still for the makeup artist. "Thanks Nat. Do you know who exactly I'm gonna be working with?" I inquired. I always like to know a little bit about the person or people I'll be on camera with. The petite woman with short brown hair looks up at me for the first time today and shrugs before walking away. I sat back in my chair just looking at myself in the mirror while someone curls my hair. What's the point of perfecting my hair if it's just gonna end up a mess in the end?

"Alright, I hear Stella Cherry is in the house, where is she!?" A manly and deep voice shouts in excitement. I put on a fake smile and raise my hand. "Over here, getting camera ready!" I squeal. A man wearing a blue shirt and a baseball cap holding a camera in his hands approaches me with the biggest smile. He holds his hand out for me to shake as he introduced himself. "Nice to finally see you in person. I'm James but you can call me Jamie if you want and I guess I'm gonna be working with you today."

I nod as the lady curling my hair stops and wanders off. I stood up from my chair and admired myself in the big mirror in front of me. "That sounds great. So are you the director or..." I trailed off as I adjust my top. James chuckles and rubs the stubble on his chin. "Well I'm the director and the actor. We do a lot of POV stuff here so I'll be working the camera and be on camera with you." He explained.

I look up at the tall man with a small smile. "Sounds great, let's get to work." I say before we start walking to the set, which was the living room of this house we were filming in today. I stood by the couch going over my very few lines in my head before heading outside where I was told to start. Natalia stood outside with me but out of view of where the camera would be pointed. "You look nervous and tense, stop it. You're supposed to look like some hot piece of ass who's stopping by to bang her best friends brother." She scolds. I nod shyly and try to brush off that comment.


I was curled up in the backseat of my managers car. I don't have a car or a license, so I get other people to drive me around. My hair was still wet and sort of stringy and I had changed into an oversized black sweater and some leggings. My bag was on the floor with the money I earned today in the front pocket. I earned a little more than I expected because the director said I was very good. I'm not sure how to feel about that comment.

"You look tired. Should we get you a coffee?" Nat questions before stopping at a red light. I shake my head and keep playing with this little piece of string at the end of my sweater. "I'm good, I just wanna go home and see my girl." I replied sleepily before shutting my eyes. I heard the grown woman in the drivers seat hum before feeling the car move. "Have you been camming lately? When's the last time you did webcam stuff!" She asks.

I breathe deep through my nose and open my eyes to sit up. "I think it's been two months. I try to do it when I'm home alone but someone is always home." I explained. The car stops outside of my apartment and I grab my bag. "Hey Stella? I think you're forgetting something." Natalia reminds me. I sigh and grab the money, which was in cash, from my bag and start counting it. "It's two thousand and eight hundred dollars, so forty percent of that would be... fuck, you do the math." I try my hardest to calculate how much money I'm supposed to give her. As my agent, Nat takes forty percent of my paycheck and I keep the other sixty percent.

"Eleven hundred and twenty dollars." Natalia quickly answers. I divid the money up for her and hand it to her. She grins and counts it speedily. "Okay, I'll see you tomorrow." She said happily. I pinch my brows together as I stuff my money back in the bag. "What's tomorrow?" I inquired. Nat never said I had to do anything tomorrow. "Oh I booked you a photo shoot for tomorrow so be ready by four pm." The woman informs me before I get out of the car.

I got upstairs and to my apartment, which was empty. I guess everyone went to work and school. Brooklynn looked so happy this morning when she looked under her pillow and saw the dollar bill I put under there last night. She's my cute little angel. I sat my bag on my bed rubbed my temples. I wonder what I'm gonna do until someone comes home. Then I came up with a great idea, but I had to make sure that nobody would be here for the next two or three hours. I grab my phone and text Sadie.

Millie:when are you
coming home?

Sadie: I get off at two,
then I go pick up Caleb and
Brooklynn at around two thirty

I hum in satisfaction before getting my laptop out and stripping off my sweater and leggings. Now would be a good time to make a little extra cash.


What the fuck is my life? Also it's almost autumn and I figuratively can't wait because there's my birthday and thanksgiving and sometimes in autumn my family and I go out and do fall activities and then it's winter and I literally annoy the shit out of people with my festiveness.🍒

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