🍒Father of the Year|Part 1🍒

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Millie 🍒

Finn is amazing! I haven't had an orgasm that great since I got knocked up with Brooklynn. He's just so passionate and caring of me, I can tell. I love him so much.

After I had woken up, my big handsome boyfriend dipped under the covers to give me the "morning special". He had me panting and moaning so softly and quietly. I raked my nails through his scalp as I was reaching my climax. Then came a knock on the door. "Hey mom, I'm really hungry and I can't reach the pop tarts," Finn didn't stop, he just looked up at me for a moment then kept going. I was going to tell him to stop so I could sit up, but he had total control over me. I clawed at the mattress and held my mouth open. Brooklynn knocks again. "Mom, are you awake? I need you to come out here and help me."

"I'm cumming! Fuck, I'm cumming!" I scream and moan as I held onto Finn's hair. I was trying to catch my breath as I flopped down beside me and wiped his mouth with his hand. "You should go get those pop tarts." He suggested. My breath evened out and I nod before rolling out of bed to stand to my feet, but I only fell over. My legs were so sore and my back hurt like hell. "Are you okay?" The guy in my bed asked as he looked down at me. I struggle to stand up while I answer him. "I'm fine, I can stand. I just gotta get my clothes on."


Instead of getting Brooklynn those pop tarts she wanted, I decided to make us all some toast and eggs. I was in such a good mood today, my boyfriend is home. "Mom, I'm sorry for waking you up earlier." Brooklynn apologized to me as I put all of the toast onto one plate. I chuckle a little. "Don't be sorry, you didn't wake me up." I tell her. The little brunette took a piece of toast and put it on her plate of eggs as she looked at me with worry. "So you're not mad at me?" Mad at her? How can I be mad at all? Today is a good day. "Honey what makes you think that I'm mad at you?" I ask.

My daughter shrugs awkwardly. "I don't know, you yelled at me this morning after I asked you if you could come downstairs." She explained. Oh shit, I knew something like this would happen. I don't even know what to say. Is she too young for us to have the talk? "I-I was..." I can't even come up with an excuse and I was just so embarrassed. How do I respond to this? "Were you mad at Finn?" "No, I wasn't. I screamed because-..." I was still struggling to hide the truth. Fuck, my stupid fucking brain can't come up with a good lie.

I guess I just have to tell her the truth. "Brooklynn, do you know how you-" "Good morning, my wonderful new family! Mills, how's your knee? You know, because you banged your knee on the nightstand this morning and that's why you can't walk straight." Finn enters the kitchen and kisses my forehead and grabs a piece of toast. He was lying for me. Damn he's so smart, how could I not come up with that? "My knee is fine. I was just going to tell Brooke about that, she wanted to know why I screamed at her this morning." I play along. Brooklynn fell for it I guess because she stopped asking questions.

When we all finished our breakfast, I started cleaning up the counter and doing the dishes when my phone started buzzing. I dried my hands while I noticed that it was Sadie who was calling me. I pick up the phone and as soon as I answered she started rambling. "Millie, Jacob was just here! He found out that you moved out and about Finn after I tweeted something last night!" I knit my brows together and I felt nervous and sick at the mention of his name. "He just left and he says he's on his way to your house! I didn't tell him, I swear, he just found out!"

Now I was truly scared and angry. Why does that son of a bitch care if I moved or not? I haven't even talked him since I twenty and he found out I was a porn actor and then he tried to get Brooklynn taken away from me. I hung up the phone and ran upstairs to warn Finn. He was in his room looking up auditions. "Finn, Brooklynn's father is coming here to this house." My boyfriend shot up from sitting on the bed and tried to calm me down. "What does he want?" He then asked. I shrug and shook my head as I took some deep breaths. "I don't know, Sadie just called me and told me that he was at her apartment and he was probably asking about us but then he found out. I don't want him to take my girl away, I don't want her to see him."

"Baby, it's okay. Calm down." Finn attempts to calm me down again as tears started pouring from my eyes. I don't know what he wants from me but when I see him, I'm going to kick him in the balls. "When he gets here, I'll stay up here to keep Brooklynn distracted while you're downstairs talking to him." He explains to me. I nod, agreeing with his plan. I was still so nervous, it's been so long since I've seen Jacob and he's probably gonna try to fuck up my life again. Finn brings me in for a hug and kisses the top of my head to comfort me, which works.

Suddenly the door bell rang and I felt my heart drop into my stomach. Finn grabbed my face and gave me a little kiss on the lips. "You can handle this." He tells me I nod and took a deep breath as he lead me out of our bedroom. I went downstairs while he went to Brooklynn's room and shut the door. Every step I took i felt like crying and screaming. I soon got to the door and opened it, seeing the father of my child standing there with his stupid face.



FUck this story mate.
Who even reads my shit? WHO!

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