🍒Claim Me🍒

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Remember when I did authors notes before the chapter? Those were fun times. Anyways y'all ain't ready for this one, I'm about to pull the ole razzle dazzle SKITTY SKIT POP POP AND A POOM POOM POOM!!!



Millie just walked out of the party. She looked really upset. I don't know what to do, stay and eat or go after her. "Is your date alright? Why'd she run off?" Gaten asked as he snuck up behind me. I shook my head as I was overwhelmed. "I don't know but do I go check up on her or give her some time alone?" I asked the young fellow who was thinking really hard about my question. If he were in my shoes and it was Lizzy that walked out, he'd probably tackle her down before she could even take another step and just smother her in kisses.

"I think you should go. If you really loved her you would run out, figure out what the problem is and then fix it." Gaten informs me before patting my shoulder and walking back to his seat at the other table. Ah poop, but I'm so hungry. I quickly scarfed down whatever meat was already on my fork along with these roasted brussel sprouts and thick ranch dressing. After that I quickly and quietly made an exit through the house and out the front door.

I saw Millie's car still sitting in the road just outside of the house along with Millie sitting in complete darkness behind the wheel, crying her eyes out. I frown before jogging towards the vehicle and tapping on the passenger window. The pretty brunette with glossy eyes looked up at me for a second before leaning her head on top of the wheel. I open the door and sat right next to her. She looked distressed.

"What's the matter, Millie? I thought we were having a good time." I spoke in concern. I really was confused. Millie seemed like she was having fun being there with me until her food came and things got weird. The young woman sat up straight with her eyes closed as she let out a big and heavy sigh. "I was, I swear...it's just..." I noticed how she was struggling to tell me what was bothering her as she just stares out the windshield as if the rest of her sentence is out there. I bite my bottom lip and scrunch my brows together.

Millie turns her head to look at me as she dried her eyes. "I hate it when people stare at me. It makes me feel like an object or something and I just don't like it." She confessed. I feel like there was more to her problem than people looking at her, but I wasn't sure what else there was. "I'm sorry that those people in there made you feel that way. Maybe they were just looking because they can't believe how a guy like me could get a date like you, I mean you're just the most wonderful young lady I've ever met." I attempt to cheer her up.

"Yeah, something like that." She muttered beneath her breath as she turns her head and looked away. I quietly huff as I think of more ways to make her happy again. What can I do to solve her problem? "If you don't wanna go back in there then we can leave right now. It's not like we have anybody to say goodbye to and it's almost midnight." I suggest to the woman who plays with her long and polished nails. Her lips twitched into a smile before she put her keys in the car's ignition. I grin before putting a seatbelt on. "I'm sorry we had to leave right as dinner started." She apologized. I shook my head. "It's quite alright."


Millie had driven me home and wanted to come inside my house for a tour. I was a little bit embarrassed of the place because it's not really clean and homelike, but I'd do anything to make her feel better. "And then that's Noah's room but he doesn't let me go in there for some unknown reason." The young woman seemed intrigued by the door as she nods lightly with her eyes fixated on it. "And this is my bedroom. I recently finished the decor." I announce as I swung my bedroom door open so Millie could walk in and take a look around. She scanned the whole place silently before taking a seat on my bed.

She had been pretty quiet for the rest of the evening. I wonder what was going on inside her head. I sat down beside her on the edge of my bed and asked her. "Are you okay? What's going on?" Millie doesn't answer, she just kept her eyes on the floor. "What can I do to make you feel better?" I finally question. Millie raised her head and looked directly into my eyes. She whispered only two words. "Claim me." I pinch my brows together. What does she mean? "I uh, don't underst-" I didn't even finish my sentence, she had grabbed the collar of my nice shirt and yanked my lips closer to hers.

Millie kisses me roughly, her tongue pushing it's way past my lips to meet mine as she pushed me down against my bed and climbed on top of me. "I want all those guys to know that I'm yours." The brunette whispers in my ear before grabbing my hands and setting them on her waist and her thighs as we kiss more. She moans into the kiss as I groan and try to breathe through my nose. I really wasn't expecting my first kiss to turn out like this. I thought Millie and I would take it slow, but now she wants me to "claim her".

"Kiss my neck. Bite it if you want, just mark my body, baby." The brunette begs between a few kisses. I was nervous, I've never given someone a hickey before. This all felt so rushed and I just feel so pressured, but I obey Millie's command and kiss the side of her neck, licking and nibbling on her skin, not really knowing what to do. That's when I realized that maybe I shouldn't be doing this if I'm so inexperienced. I just froze right there and let go of Millie as she lifts her head up to hover over mine and look into my eyes like she had the exact same thought as I did just now.

"I-...I think I should go, I'm sorry." She spoke as she carefully untangled her dress from around me and got off my bed. I sat up again and just laced my fingers together to sort of twiddle my thumbs in this very awkward and painfully silent moment. "I'm sorry." Millie had apologized once again. I shook my head as I look up at her. "It's fine. I'm just not ready for something like that yet." I confess. Maybe later in the future I'll be down for it, but for right now I just think we should take things slower. "I'll see myself out. Goodnight, Finn." The young woman spoke so quietly before leaving my room and shutting the door behind her. I then hear the front door open and close and I just lie back and let out a sigh.


Y'all ain't ready for the next chapter OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO🍒

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