🍒Our Future Together🍒

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Time is going by really fast with the movie ending and such. Brooklynn made it through the audition process and is now playing the part of my daughter when my character is an adult. A lot of people say we kind of look a like and they've even asked if she's my little sister or my cousin. I have to explain to them that she's my girlfriend's daughter and then I'd point to her mother who was either talking to people on set or standing by the snack table. I was so happy about this whole movie and the final scene, even if it means I have to go back to Canada in a couple of weeks.

"Hey, princess." I say as I kneel in front of Brooklynn with a little stubble on my chin. We were in the middle of a scene. She smiles at me and I smile back. "You're home." "Well of course I'm home and I brought something for you to have." I reach into my pocket and hand the little girl a red wooden car. "I was sitting in the office today when I looked at my shelf of achievements and noticed this beauty sitting proudly next to my high school diploma. I was about your age when my father left for the army to die, and before he left he wrote a note to my mother saying that he wanted this car that his father gave him to go to me and that he wanted his special lucky glass button to go to my little sister Jenny."

I took a pause like it said in the script. They'll put a flashback in and I may have to do a little bit of voiceover. Brooklynn was doing really well, smiling at me and doing these facial expressions while I talk. "Also in that note he said I should give this to my first born when they were a kid, so I give this to you Louise. It's been in our family for generations." I hand the little girl the toy car and she smiles at me. "Thanks dad." She gives me a hug and I hug her back sincerely. "Cut!" The director yells. I held onto Brooklynn though as she struggled to get out of my grip. It made her laugh and caused me to smile.


Millie screams and howls with her head sticking out of the window. "My boyfriend and my daughter and movie stars!" "Millie please drive, I don't wanna celebrate the end of production in a cemetery!" I shout to her. The young brunette woman came back in the car and now focused on the wheel. Brooklynn was asleep in the back seat as it was an hour past her bedtime. "I'm sorry, I'm just a little excited. I haven't been this excited about anything in years." She tells me as she makes a turn. "I can't wait for the premiere. Do you think I could come to the screening? I've always wanted to go to a big Hollywood screening like that and see a movie with a bunch of celebrities."

I chuckle at how cute she is. "Of course you'd be at the premiere. You're Millie Brown, mother of Brooklynn Brown and girlfriend of Finn Wolfhard." I tell her. Millie must be my date to the premiere, I'm not taking my mother again. The last time I took my mom to a big screening I was an extra in The Fault In Our Stars and they kicked her out because she complained about how someone was covering my face and then she yelled "my son wasn't paid enough for this bullshit." Pretty much all of the money I made from that movie went straight towards my parents new home, which is a few blocks away from my apartment in Canada.

The woman scoffed. "Please, people don't know me as Millie Brown. Everybody knows me as Stella or "that hot girl from next door" or "the step sister" or-" "Enough please." I stop her and she giggles almost quietly. We park outside of the apartment building and she turned the car off. "Should I get Brooklynn?" I ask, not wanting her to carry a sleeping eight year old all the way up to the fifth floor. Millie shook her head. "Let's just sit here for a few minutes. Caleb came over today, remember?" I nodded. It was quite as we just sat in the car alone and enjoyed the night. "I liked watching you work with Brooke today. I think she loved acting." The brunette lady spoke up. I nodded with a grin. I loved working with Brooklynn too. She was just so excited to be on camera and to work with people. I can tell she's going to be a star.

"I wanna have a baby with you. Not right now, but maybe after you move here and after I get my GED." Millie confessed. I was in complete shock. I didn't know Millie felt this way. She really wants to get her life together. She wants a good education, a house, and a family. I'm happy to help her with all of it. "Wow, I-I want those things too and we have plenty of time. We're both very young you know." I inform her. Millie bit her lip as the ends of her mouth curled upwards into a smile. "I know we have a lot of time and we're both still in our early twenties, but I just really wanna settle down right now. The past nine years of my life have been crazy and I never thought I had a chance of becoming a wife or having another child with a person that I actually am in love with."

I smile really big. Hearing Millie say that she was in love with me made me blush. I knew she loved me, I'm her boyfriend. I didn't know she was in love with me. The brunette grabs my hand and leans over to give me a kiss. "I'm in love with you too." I finally respond. Millie looked away shyly. I felt my heart just skipping inside of my chest. She was absolutely beautiful with her soft wavy long brown hair, gorgeously smooth tan skin, and her smile that always gave me the opportunity to see her sparkly white teeth. How could you not love someone like her? She was a real woman, graceful, brilliant, strong, and radiant. I loved her so much.


I am super stressed out right now because I'm trying to finish this book as quickly as I can so I write other books AHHHHHHHHHHH🍒

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