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I'm gonna do it. I can't believe I'm actually gonna do it! It seems kind of last minute to me. Brooklynn and I only talked about the this last week and now I've got a ring in my pocket while I'm carrying a picnic basket near a duck pond so I can pop the question to her mother. Cherry pop the question. No time for jokes. What will her response even be? Is Millie gonna say yes? What if she says no? I'm not gonna lie, I'm just a little bit nervous now. Before I was so excited I could barely stand still, now I'm just a bit shaky and scared.

"Right here should be a great spot. The sun won't be in the way because of the trees on the other side of the pond." Millie said, spreading out a quilt onto the grass. Our spot was only a few yards away from the pond. I sat the basket down on the blanket as the ladies took off their sandals to sit. "Can I go play on the swings over there?" Brooklynn asked Millie, who was staring at the sunset through the trees. The woman smiled. "Yes baby. Just be careful and don't go too far." The little girl got up and ran towards the playground, where other children played. I unpack everything we brought like sandwiches and salads as I try to figure out how I'm going to ask her and when. Should I be straight forward or should I hide it somewhere for her to find?

Millie turned her head to look at me. She noticed that I was just staring at her. I look away shyly and with a smirk. "What's that look for?" She chuckles as she looks into my eyes. She's so beautiful. She's way out of my league. "What look?" I ask her. "You were looking at me, I caught you, then you look away with that cute little grin on your face. What was that about?" I'm excited. I'm nervous. I'm...nervcited. Is that a word? It is now. I shrug in response with a smile still on my face. "I'm just looking at this lovely view I have of my dreamy beautiful world." My words made her blush, I could see it on her cheeks.

"Dad! I need you to push me!" Brooke has shouted from the playground. I get up and jog over to her to push her on the swing set. "So how are you gonna propose? Did you hire a band to play her a song? Are you gonna send her on a scavenger hunt in the park? Are you gonna change your clothes?" The little brunette asked me as I swung her. How does she even know that I've planned to propose? "Brooke, how do you know?" "I just do. This seems like the time and the place to propose at." Brooklynn tells me. I became even more nervous. I wondered if Millie could sense that I'm going to propose. I want this to be a big surprise.

I push my daughter some more as I stare at her mother. She just sat on the picnic blanket like a mermaid as she watched some ducks on the pond. Her smile so big and beautiful, it made me smile as well. "I hope she says yes." I said out loud unintentionally. "She will." Brooklynn says. We stop playing on the swings and go back to the picnic blanket. My palms began to sweat as I sat back down. "Do you want me to make you a sandwich?" Millie asked as she sat hers down on a plate. "No thanks, I can do it." I tell her. I don't even think I'm actually hungry, my stomach is in knots. Eating would make it worse. But still, I spread mayo on a slice of bread and pile on lettuce and ham.

"I like it when we go on our little family outings." The tall brunette tells me. I smile, wondering when would be the perfect time to propose. "Mommy, can you get me a pop?" Brooklynn asked her mother, looking at me as she said pop. Does she want me to do it now? Millie got our daughter a soda from the basket and she took a sip before offering me some. "Pop for my pop?" I guess she's popped the question on me. Damn it Finn, no time for jokes. I decided to listen to Brooklynn, taking a sip of courage from her soda and then looking at my soon to be fiancé. If she says yes. "Millie-"

"Oh my god, Harold, it's that gay Hollywood star. What's his name, Finn?" Some old lady in a bonnet approached us. I'm not gay. Am I? "C-can I help you, miss?" "I would love to get a picture with you and your sisters, if I could find my camera." She dug through her bag and shouts for her husband. "Harold! Harold, get over here! It's that gay actor Darlene said was gonna be in that movie!" Millie and I just look at each other.

After pictures with that woman and having to be polite, I was finally ready and saw the perfect opportunity to propose to Millie. "Millie, there's something I've been wanting to tell you for a very long time." "Are you actually gay?" She joked. I chuckle softly. "I want to tell you, and this may sound very corny, but you make me the happiest man on the face of the planet," Millie smiles as she looks more interested in my words. She can probably tell what's going on, but I don't care anymore. "And I think that you are very smart and talented and clever in so many ways. You're so sweet, beautiful, too."

I reach into my pocket and pull a small blue box out and she gasped softly. I open the box and show her the ring. Right before I got to ask her, something bad happened. "Jeffery!" A woman had cried and there was splashing from the pond. I turn to look and a baby had jumped into the pond. I dropped the ring and sprung into action, getting up and jumping into the duck pond to save that baby. I grabbed the child and got him out and onto the grass. He started choking and coughing so I leaned him forward and pat his back gently. His mother was in tears as she sat beside me. The little baby started to breath normally again and even cry, which was great. The mother took her baby and thanked me with a hug. I was just relieved that the little guy was still breathing and okay.

I dragged myself in my now heavy wet clothes back to the blanket to see Millie standing there applauding me. "Finn, that was amazing! You're a hero!" She said. Brooklynn clapped for me, too. I smile a little and push my messy soaked hair back so that water wouldn't drip into my eyes. "Thanks, I was scared for that baby. And now my clothes are all wet." I tell them as I pull my phone out of my pocket. It's ruined now. Good thing I didn't bring my wallet. Millie leaped forward and wrapped her arms around my neck as she gave me a kiss and congratulated me about five more times. Brooklynn had cleared her throat and we pulled apart. The little brunette held up the little blue box and I take it with a thank you.

I open it to see if the ring was still in there, but it wasn't. Now I was panicking. "Where is it?" "Right here." Millie says and shows me her hand. It was on her ring finger already. "I accept your proposal. Even though your pre proposal speech was a little basic, I still love it. I love you Finn Wolfhard and it would be an honor to be your wife, as well as the mother of your beautiful children." The woman said. I grinned so big and gave her another kiss. I can't believe it. She said yes! We're getting married!


The next chapter is going to be the last chapter and I'm gonna leave this decision up to you. I need y'alls help in deciding what I should flash forward to, like what the next chapter should be. Here are your options:

🍒The premier

🍒The wedding

🍒The birth of the child

🍒One year later

Whichever gets the most comments is going to be it so choose wisely because I'm not writing four different endings.🍒

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