🍒Excitment That Can't Be Concealed🍒

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It's been a week since I saw the doctor and got my implant from my arm removed. Now I can get pregnant and have a baby. I'm a little scared to have a baby though. I'm gonna get fat and annoying like when I was a teenager. But it'll be worth it and in the end I get another gorgeous baby from my beautiful boyfriend. I love Finn so much, I just wanna squeeze him like an orange. He's such a good influence on my daughter and he's supportive of every single one of my decisions.

I just got out of the shower and was drying my hair with my towel around my body when Finn came home and was digging through his stuff. "What are you looking for?" I ask. The man quickly put everything back into his dresser and shook his head. "Nope, I'm fine. I was just looking for something stupid." I think he's lying, but who cares. It's probably not a big deal. I sat on our bed and watched him. He was quite fidgety, moving his arms and grinning and giggling. He looked excited about something.

"What are you so happy about now?" I chuckle as he bends his knees and shakes his hands. Finn snapped his head in my direction and shook his head with that little smile still on his face. "Nothing. Nothing at all." He tells me before crawling into bed with me to give me dozens of kisses on my neck and face. I giggle softly before he became more aggressive and reached under my towel to put a hand on my hip. "Finn, I just took a shower. Are you trying to make me all sweaty and gross again?" I ask, not really stopping him from his actions. He pulled his lips away from me to stare into my eyes. "Yes." His answer was short and then he kisses my lips.


We lie in bed buried under the sheets as we just stare into each other's eyes and lightly touch one another. Finn's hand swiped my sweaty hair back and he smiled at me. "You're beautiful." He whispers to me. I blush a little and lean in to give him a little kiss. He rubs my arm gently and we continue this very sensual moment in silence. It wasn't silent for long as Finn's phone rang seconds later. We came out from under the sheets and he sat up to get it from the nightstand. While he was on the phone talking to what sounded like his manager or publicist, I stare up at the ceiling and twirl my hair around my finger as I think about how lucky I am to be with someone like Finn Wolfhard.

He's a young and handsome actor and he's all mine. Of course I would still love him as much as I do if he had a normal job or was poor. Acting just makes him a little more interesting and it gave Brooklynn opportunities and advantages. Finn got off of the phone with his manager and got back in bed with me, wrapping his arms around my waist and burying his head in my neck. "The premier date for that movie is in two months, March twenty sixth." He informs me. I grin softly at the thought of going to a premiere for a movie. I've always wanted to walk the red carpet and pose for pictures.

"Are you excited?" I ask. The older man nods and smiles with me. "Of course I'm excited. My favorite actress is gonna be there." Awe, his favorite actress will be there. Who is Finn's favorite actress? "Who?" "Millie Brown." "Ugh, what a slut." I roll my eyes as I sat up and got out of bed to get dressed. My boyfriend let out a sigh. I will admit that I'm a little scared to know what people think of our relationship. Do I ruin his reputation? Do I make him look like some pervert? Am I seen as a gold digger or a nymph? This is why I've stayed away from social media after Finn and I got together. I'm not ready to know what his supporters think and I don't know if I should even go to the premiere for my family's movie.

Finn got up as well and put his clothes back on too. "Don't disrespect the queen. She's amazing." He tells me. I dug through the dresser for my favorite pair of sweatpants. "She's a porn actor. Fucking ugly guys on camera for money all so she can afford a house and surgeries and stuff." I found them and slip them on, loving the feeling of the fleece interior on my hairless legs. Finn snuck up behind me to attack my face with kisses and moans. I scream and try to push him away. "Finnie!" "I love you so much!" He says between kisses. Now I'm sweaty and covered in his saliva.

"Brooke is coming home, we have to get downstairs." I tell him after he finally let go and I left the room to go downstairs. My boyfriend follows me. "We should go somewhere tonight. Like a nice restaurant or a park for a picnic. Something romantic and over the top, but not too extravagant." Finn suggests. He's acting really weird. He sounds excited about something. Maybe he's just happy because we've been trying to conceive, like a lot. That's probably why he wants to take me out, he feels like he owes it to me for all the sex. The only thing he really owes me is a baby in my uterus.

I went to the kitchen and grabbed a bottle of water from the fridge. Finn leaned against the counter, or like was moving his legs a lot. Jeez, this guy is restless. "Finn, you don't have to take me to dinner. I know you think you have to because we're having a lot of sex together, but we're trying to make something. I just want us to have a baby." I tell him before chugging nearly half my bottle of water. Finn bites the inside of his mouth. "No I know that, I just want us as a family to go out to dinner to...celebrate the release of the movie. Yay, we know when it's coming." He looked like he was trying to cover something up and the movie was his excuse.

"Are you serious?" I ask him as I take a step closer towards him. Finn's legs finally stop moving and he acts cool now before giving me finger guns. "As a heart attack, baby." I giggle and press my body against his before getting on my tippy toes to give him a kiss on the cheek. He grabbed my face and stuck his tongue in my mouth. Damn this man must be really horny. We've already had sex twice today, once this morning before he left and then again after he came home acting like he was having a stroke. "I still haven't fucked you on the counter yet. I know you want me to." He whispers after parting our lips and slapping my ass. I quiver and moan.

Just then, the doorbell rang and I had to calm myself before going to answer it. Finn just stayed in the kitchen to concentrate on getting rid of his boner. "Mommy, I lost a tooth today at recess." "Did it come out on its own or did someone fuck with my baby?" I ask my daughter as she came from school. Brooklynn threw her backpack off with a sigh of relief before digging through her pockets.

"A little bit of both. It had been loose for three days, remember? Today I was going down the slide when a bigger kid came behind me before I got off and pushed me off before calling me a bastard. Then my tooth came out and someone stomped on it so I rinsed it off at lunch." She tells me after handing me her tooth. I inspect it before giving it back to her. "Well I guess I'm gonna have to fuck up a kid tomorrow. Now go put this under your pillow and get dressed. We're going to the park for a little picnic." I glance over at Finn and he starts doing his little happy dance where he sways his hips and raises his hands. The little brunette ran up the stairs to get ready for our family outing.


I'm so pissed that I didn't get to update this the other day.🍒

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