🍒Toss Your Creamy Salad🍒

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A porn star!? Why is Finn dating a porn star? How do I know she's a porn star, you ask? That doesn't matter, Finn is dating a god damn porn star! Stella Cherry is one beautiful woman. I'm such a huge fan, but I can't let Finn date a porn star, it's like kissing a fish covered in jizz. Oh my god the way she was talking to me just now! She said she loved my sausage and in a very sexual manner. Does she always act like that? I'm freaking out right now!



I could tell that some people knew exactly who I was the moment I walked into this party. I am a little scared because usually people who recognize me approach me and use my porn name. If they use it in front of Finn then he'll know that I'm a dirty disgusting slut.

We stood outside in the back yard together. I had a glass of champagne while Finn had some water. He's not really a drinker. "So when is the actual dinner, am I right?" Finn leans in to whisper in my ear. I chuckle softly and look up at him. "I'm sure your friend is working very hard to make everything right. His sausage was the best I've ever had." I tell the older man. He grins and puts a hand on my shoulder. "Thanks for coming here with me and being so nice to my friends. I think Noah really likes you." I think Noah likes me too.

"It's no problem, I love your friends." I tell him genuinely. I loved meeting his friends. They're all pretty much just like him, awkward and hilarious. I'm glad none of them recognize me, I don't need them to. "Alright everyone, may I have your attention please!" The guy that I met when I arrived spoke. He stood beside his girlfriend on the patio so everyone indoors and outdoors can hear his announcement. "First off I just wanna thank you all for coming out here, my parents really appreciate all the love. This is not only a wedding anniversary but it is also the day that our family began and it is pretty important. Thank you mom and dad."

He's really great at making speeches and he really gets people to listen to him. What was his name again? "Second, dinner is ready so if everyone could just have a seat that would be great. Don't forget to thank the chef and his lovely team if you see them around." Thank god, I'm starving. I didn't eat at all today because Natalia told me that I'm starting to gain some weight and that won't be good for gigs. I won't eat much tonight and I'll probably work it all off tomorrow. I just really need more work, especially if my agent took my money because I got paid more than her.

"Well let's go have a seat then. I heard Noah is serving this stroganoff with this fancy cheese sauce and really expensive beef." Finn whispers to me as we make our way towards one of the many long tables in the backyard with chairs and plates all set up. Noah's food was quite delicious, but I'll have to limit myself and try to eat healthy and light meals. Finn and I sat beside each other at a table as chefs came out and started placing dishes around the table and asking people what they wanted. My mouth was watering and my stomach was growling.

"Hello you two. Can I get you something?" Noah had asked. He looked a little stiff as he stood behind Finn and I. The man sitting beside me starts naming all these different foods before the other guy took his plate and went around the table to get Finn food. He hasn't asked me yet, but I'm sure he will soon. "So what are you gonna get?" I look into Finn's eyes with a bite of my lip and a shrug. "Well I'm actually on a diet so I can't eat most of the things here." I shyly respond, feeling horrible.

Finn gasped a little. "Oh my god, I'm so so sorry. What can I do?" He began to question. I felt bad. I didn't want him to apologize when he's done nothing wrong. "No no no, it's okay. I'll just ask Noah if there's something with lots of vegetables." "Like a salad?" Finn asks. I nodded with a reassuring smile. He grabs my hand from beneath the table and rubs his thumb over my knuckles softly. I blush a bit before we let go of each other as Noah came back and sat a plate with a mountain of food on it in front of Finn.

The smell made me want to just climb on this table and eat everything in sight, but I had to control myself and stick to my diet. "Um Stel- I mean uh... Millie," Wait a minute, did Noah almost call me Stella? Does he know? Holy shit, how does he know? Has he seen me online? "Is there anything I can get you?" The young gentleman asked. I just stood there in shock and in fear. Finn was only a few inches away and was listening. Did he notice?

"I'll um...I'll have some of that salad at the end of the table there." I say slowly. He nodded before carefully taking my plate and rushing off to get me a salad. I watch him the whole time. As he was dumping a scoop of salad on my plate a server approached him and said something to him with a smile and a pat on his back. What did he say? Does he know too? How many fucking people here watch my porn?

Noah, with his head down, came back to me and sat my plate of salad down in front of me before letting out a breath. "Would you like me toss your salad for you?" He questioned. Is this a fucking joke!? No, he looks a bit nervous and I'm sure he's required to ask that to everyone who wants salad. "I-I can toss my own salad, thank you." I respond. My face felt super red and I couldn't even look him in the eye. "Would you like our special creamy dressing to go on your salad?"

Boy, this is just an uncomfortable dining experience. More uncomfortable than when I went to iHop and the chef made me a dick shaped pancake whilst Brooklynn was right next to me. "No, I don't want your creamy whatever in my salad, thank you." I rush out. Noah quickly leaves and I almost tear up at the experience. I wonder what Finn thinks. "Are you okay? You looked a little tight after Noah fixed your salad." The curly raven haired guy beside me asks as he put a hand on my shoulder. Does Finn know that I'm a pornstar? I mean he lives with Noah and I know that all guys have watched a porno at least once in their lives.

I look around the table and notice a lot of guys staring at me, smirking and whispering to other men. They're all looking at me, all ages. Everyone here knows. I just can't ever have a break. I stood up from the table and left. I ran out of the house and to the car, just sitting behind the wheel crying my eyes out. I just know Finn will want to stop seeing me soon, I just know it.


Hey ummm....I'm back. I'm done taking a break now because I actually sat down and wrote this shit so it's all Gucci now. Let me know what you think about this chapter. I actually really like writing stuff like this where like any conversation with Millie just sounds sexual. Like her and Finn could be complaining about burgers in a restaurant and she could say some shit like "oh no Finn, you got your sauce on my buns" idfk 🍒

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