🍒A Nightstand🍒

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I can't believe Millie said yes to being my girlfriend, my first girlfriend! We kissed too, like five times yesterday. I just really like her, she's so kind and smart and just so darn cute. I feel like my heart is going to explode every time I think about her. What do I do as a boyfriend? Am I supposed to visit her every single day now? I wonder if I get to kiss her every single day too. Maybe we can cuddle too. I don't think I'm ready for the S-E-X. I'm only a little boy.

"Finn, congratulations on the new girlfriend!" Lizzy, Gaten's girlfriend, announced as she gave me a hug. I invited the two over so they could give me relationship advice. "Thank you, I'm super excited and glad that you two took the time out of your day to help me." I stated as I bring Gaten into a hug next. "No problem dude, we knew you would need our help at some point." The curly haired guy explained before heading to the fridge and digging up leftovers.

Lizzy and I started talking and she asked me a bunch of questions about Millie as Gaten started devouring whatever Noah had in the refrigerator. "So you two just got together yesterday. Is there anything we need to know about her like does she live on the wrong side of town? Does she have a weird job? Is she obsessed with something like an animal or babies perhaps?" "Well Millie is actually a mother and I guess that's one of the things I like about her so much."

"She's a mom? Is the dad still in her life because that would be pretty awkward." Gaten asked, his voice muffled from whatever he was eating. I wince in disgust a bit before answering. "No the dad left her when he found out she was pregnant. It's so sad, how could somebody do that?" Lizzy frowns a little. "How old is her baby? Is it cute?" She began to question again. She'll be surprised when she finds out that Millie's baby technically isn't a baby. "She's eight years old. Millie got knocked up with her when she was a young teen."

The couple looked shocked as they stare at me. Gaten stopped eating for a moment before I broke the silence. "What? I don't think it matters how old she was when she had a baby. Millie is a very lovely young woman and her daughter is the coolest kid I've ever met. She tells me she wants to be an actor like me." Lizzy cracked a smile.

Noah stepped out of his room and slumped into the kitchen with us to grab a box of cereal and a bowl. He started acting pretty upset yesterday while we were at Millie's and has just been that way ever since. I'm not sure why he's annoyed or angry. "Hey Schnipp, why the long face?" Gaten quizzed as the young gloomy guy rolled his eyes while pouring cereal into a bowl. "It's not a long face, it's the face of an idiot who just wanted a little bit of happiness in his life but can only experience it through traveling which cost money, therefore money can only buy my happiness for a short period of time."

I guess he's upset because all of his friends are in relationships and he's single, but what about Stella? "Noah are you sad because I'm dating Millie now, which leaves you to be the single friend? I'm sure you'll get a girlfriend soon, I mean what happened to Stella?" I question, which caused him to slam the cereal box onto the counter and I jump a little at the loud and sudden sound. He turns back to face me with this almost sarcastic grin. "Have you ever heard of a one nightstand, buddy?" Noah asked. A nightstand? Of course I know what a nightstand is, I have one in my bedroom right next to my bed. "Yes I know what a nightstand is. It's like a little table that you put beside your bed." I explain.

Noah shook his head with an eye roll. "No Finn, a one nightstand. Where you fuck someone then leave just before the sun comes up and you never see them again." I raise my brows in surprise. I didn't even know you could do that. I thought you'd have to stay with that person and maybe make them breakfast or drive them home. That sounds kind of rude to just leave someone after being so vulnerable with that person. "Woah, you had a one nightstand with some girl? I hope you used protection, you could get an STD." Gaten says. He does have a point.

"We didn't use protection and honestly I could have one because she's a filthy whore who I never even want to see again. She's dead to me." The boy says as he picks up his bowl of cereal and leaves the kitchen to go back to his bedroom. Lizzy turns to me with a confused expression on her face. "What's going on with him? Noah is literally the nicest person I know and now he's swearing and sleeping with strangers?" She questions. I shrug. I had no idea what was going on with that boy.



After booking tickets and a room for my trip to New Zealand this weekend, again, I decided to watch some cam shows to calm me down and such. I can't believe Millie used me like that, I thought we had something. I was on my favorite website browsing when I saw that Stella Cherry was streaming live. She was number one too. I decided to click on it just to see what she was up to. The brunette sat alone on the floor in front of a bed. She was talking to her viewers and flirting with guys in the chat.

"Thank you, my breast are actually all natural. I don't think I would ever get plastic surgery, I'm such a scaredy-cat." She responds to a comment, which earns her more money. What a whore. She flirts with other guys and does stuff on camera for money, but her boyfriend has no idea. "My favorite toy would have to be the vibrating dildo because it just feels so real and it's so fun to play with, I love it." The brunette woman stated. I type in the comments.

travelboy98:youre disgusting. im sure your bf wouldnt approve of this

A moment later she read the comment aloud yet in a whispering tone. Her eyebrows furrow and she cocks her head. "I um-..." I could tell she was at a loss for words. She sat up straight as a dozen comments about a boyfriend started flooding the chat. "Guys calm down, I don't have a boyfriend. If I did I wouldn't be doing this right now, trust me." She declares. I roll my eyes before typing again.

travelboy98:what if your daughter was doing shit like this

"What if...your daughter- okay well I don't have a daughter, but if I did have a daughter and she wanted to do porn like me I would say absolutely not and put her in college because there's just no way I would let my child make decisions like that." Oh, so she doesn't have a boyfriend and she doesn't have a kid? Well then who the hell is in my kitchen talking non stop about his girlfriend's daughter? "Okay boys, the bra is coming off. I know that's what you all have been waiting for." Millie chuckles as she undoes her bra. I shut my computer off and just sat there in my chair, scheming.


Dumbass chapter, no wonder no one reads this shit anymore honestly. I might kill someone off next time because this shit is boring as fuck, I'm a terrible writer with terrible ideas. Have a good day.🍒

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