🍒Set It Up|Part II🍒

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"Well if you're going for a beach theme, I suggest going with the muted peach since I see you also have a lampshade in that same color." The little girl with long brown hair informs me after I tell her I'm redoing my room. I look back in my shopping cart at the muted peach lampshade I had picked out a while ago and then back at the girl with a nod. "Yeah wow, that would look great. To be honest the only reason why I picked that one was because all my other options were neon and I don't like neon."

I toss the sheets in my cart as she nods. "My mommy doesn't like neon either, but she only wears it to make her boss mad. I don't really understand what that means." She informed me. Where is her mother? "My mom is also single and she's looking for a guy who can take care of me and her. Her name is Millie, she's twenty two, she was raised in England and still sort of has the accent, and she lives with my aunt Sadie."

I raise my eyebrows at all this information. I wasn't expecting to encounter a little matchmaker today but oh well. This Millie girl sounds like a real hoot. How can she be so young and have the worlds most amazing daughter? "Well your mother sounds very lovely and I'd love to get to know her. Do you know where she is?" I question. The brunette girl smiles.

"Brooklynn!" I heard a feminine voice call. It sounded slightly British. "That's her. She's probably gonna cry when she finds me so try to say something that will help her calm down." Brooklynn says. I pinch my brows together before a young lady wearing a strapless red and white striped bodysuit and high waisted denim shorts comes jogging down the isle and to her daughter. "Brooklynn why would you leave me!? And why are you bothering this man!? Don't you see that he doesn't want you in his life!?" She cries to the little girl as she was crouched down on the floor sobbing into Brooklynn's shoulder. This woman and her child, they look so much alike.

The little girl gives me this look and I try to approach the two. "Ma'am, are you alright?" I ask putting a hand on her middle back. Should I even touch her? Brooklynn stares at me in disappointment. "Millie...I promise that your daughter Brooklynn didn't mean to scare you by running off, she was...helping you, and me in a way." I awkwardly spoke. The brunette lady stood up straight and wiped away her tears before looking up at me with confusion. "What do you mean she was helping us?"

I look back and forth between the two hoping that Brooklynn can explain herself. "...bedsheets?" I shrug. Millie rolls her eyes. "You said you wanted a boyfriend and I think this guy is perfect. He just moved here from Canada and he's redecorating his room, so he's very creative and the first thing he asked me was if I was lost so he obviously cares about me and my opinion too because he asked for it when he was struggling to pick out bedsheets. Also he hates neon."

I felt my face become warm at how embarrassing this now is, but it was very sweet of Brooklynn to do this. The grown woman looks up at me with a raised eyebrow. She was very beautiful. She had short brown hair almost like her daughter's and a slim face. They could be sisters. "Listen I'm sorry if Brooklynn made you feel uncomfortable or if she was pressuring you at all, she just wants what's best for me. Sorry to waste your time." Millie grabs her daughter's hand and goes to walk away but I stop them.

"It's really not a problem at all and I thought that it was great that Brooklynn here was just trying to give you what you want." Millie gives me a fake smile and a nod. She looked like she didn't want to be talking to me, which made me kind of sad. "Mills, where are you!? Did you find her!?" Another female spoke from the next isle. "We're over here!" Brooklynn responds.

A red head comes out from around the corner holding two chocolate bars, a bag of frozen chicken nuggets and a soccer ball. "Millie I got chicken nuggets, we should have a movie marathon when we get home. Maybe we can watch Heathers, I know you cream your pants every time you see Christian Slater." This must be Sadie, the aunt. The pale girl finally noticed me and smirked at Millie. "Who's he?" She asks.

I hold out my hand for the redhead to shake as I introduce myself. "I'm Finn, I've heard so much about you." Sadie takes my hand and we shake. "Are you single? I'm asking for a friend." Sadie quires. I swallow nervously. "Uh yep. I've never had a girlfriend in my entire existence...oh but I'm not gay, even though I took acting classes since I was ten and I live with a boy right now who is pretty good in the kitchen...I swear I'm not gay." God I'm so awkward.

Sadie chuckles before letting go of my hand. I just stood there looking between the two women. "Hey can I maybe give you a number and you can text this friend of mine? She's really single and she's looking for someone to potentially marry someday." The red questions. Millie raised her eyebrows at Sadie. So I see that Brooklynn and Sadie are working together to make this happen. Why don't I just give it try. I mean I did sort of come here to get a girlfriend and work on a movie.

"Yeah sure." I say as I take my phone out of my pocket and hand it to her. Sadie gladly takes it before typing on it for a moment. I look down at Brooklynn and she gives me two thumbs up, so I give her two in return. I look back at Sadie and notice her turn off my phone before turning it on again and smiling up at me. "You have a beautiful family." She said referring to the picture on my lock screen before giving me my phone back I took it with a big grin on my face. "Thanks so do you, you're all very beautiful young women." I remark.

Sadie links arms with Millie as she holds her daughter's hand. "Bye Finn, don't forget to text that number." "And have fun with your beach paradise!" Brooklynn adds as the three walk away. I wave to them all and then it actually hit me. I got a girls number, a really pretty girl! And she has a beautiful little girl! I love kids. I can tell that Millie is a really great mom even at her age. Boy I can't wait to text her.


I'm so glad it's Friday because now I have the weekend all to myself...but I still have to write 😬.

I have a new book coming out in 6 Days called The ***** which is a Fillie/Cadie story and it's about four ******* and another one joins their ***** and then they're also a ****** named Caleb who's just a sweet guy. I already have the first five chapters and the introduction ready, I just need to go back and do more research and edit a few things. I think you'll really like it.

I'm also having problems with relationships and friendships but we'll talk about it another time, I'm too exhausted right now. BYEEEEEEEEEEE🍒

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