🍒The New Home In Califonia🍒

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"Thank you Sadie and Caleb for helping us move our boxes into our new home, we really appreciate it." I say to the couple as I set a box from the moving truck on the floor in the living room. Brooklynn and I didn't really have much to pack as we did live in a small apartment together since she was four. Now we moved into a three bedroom home with two and a half bathrooms, a great big living area, a kitchen and a laundry room. I can't wait to have my own bedroom. Well, for a little while and then Finn officially moves in. Right now he was in Canada trying to settle things with his landlord and parents.

The older woman flashed a smile at me. "I'm actually gonna miss living with you, Millie. I feel like you're moving across the country." "I'm only five minutes away, it's gonna be okay Sadie. Now you and Caleb can live together." I stated cheerfully. Caleb chuckles in excitement. I finally don't have to deal with Sadie's nagging anymore, but I will miss her very much. We can still visit each other. "I gotta go to work now. Bye Millie, we'll come back tonight to help you settle in." Sadie says as she leaves with her boyfriend. I wave them bye.

I had gone upstairs to see what Brooklynn was up to in her new room. Her bedroom was the one farthest from mine and it was right across the hall. Brooklynn loves it because it was almost as big as the master bedroom and it had a great view of the backyard. "Hey babygirl." I say as I enter the room. My child was already putting all of her clothes in her closet. "I love my new room, mom. Not only is it big enough to fit my bed, but I have my own closet now and I can put as much as I want in here." Brooklynn tells me. I can't help but laugh a little. I'm happy that she has everything she wants now and she finally has her own space. This house is perfect for us.


Later that night after having Sadie and Caleb over for dinner and putting Brooklynn to bed, I open up my laptop to video chat with Finn. I promised him that I would call him every day and talk to him about the house and help him apply for jobs around here. He answered my call and his face popped up on the screen with a gloomy face. "Hi baby." I say as I wave at him. He waves back with a hi as well. "Millie I have some bad news." He tells me as he fiddles with the strings on his sweatpants. I was getting a little nervous now. I wonder what he was going to say. Does he wanna break up? Did he change his mind about living here with me? Is it all somehow my fault?

"What's the matter baby?" I ask with concern. He bites the inside of his cheek before explaining everything. "I got fired from my job today. They told me that I was gone for too long and they gave my position to someone else, so I can't afford to move to LA right now." I couldn't believe it. I wanted to cry, this wasn't supposed to happen. "When do you think you can come down here?" I ask hoping it wouldn't be too late. Finn shrugged sadly and I could see a tear stream down his face. "I don't know." He tells me as he dries his eyes. I start to cry as well, not even bothering to cover it up.

"Don't worry, I just need to find another job and make some money so I can move back down there. It might be a little hard to keep the money because I have bills and I need to buy groceries and sometimes my parents ask me for money." Finn began to list. I roll my eyes. I think it's sweet that Finn helps out his parents every once in a while by giving them some money, but he doesn't have to give them so much money every single time. Some things are more important than others and Finn's parents getting money isn't a priority right now. He needs to save up his money so he can move here.

I sigh. "Finn you need to stop giving your parents money. It seems like every time you get money you give them a great amount of it and it's unfair to you. You have to start budgeting towards the move." I snap. He seemed kind of surprised that I was telling him to be responsible and to keep his money, but he really needed to hear it. "But they need money, my dad isn't making a lot of money at his job and my mom hurt her ankle back in two thousand and ten so she was fired from her-" "That's such bullshit Finn, really. Stop trying to make it sound like they desperately need money, you told me that your father is an accountant and your mother is on disability."

The older guy ran his fingers through his dark curly hair. "You don't understand, Millie." "I understand that they're using you for money. Have they ever once even asked your brother for money?" I question. It's horrible to think that his parents, the two people who are supposed to love him, only want him around so they can take his money. "Well no, but it's just this whole deal with him and my parents and that's why he lives so far away from us." Finn tells me. I start to calm down by taking a few deep breaths. I need him to understand what's going on here, so I leave him with some advice. "Finn, you're a really sweet guy and I love you very much. I want you to stop giving your parents money, it will help you see if they really care about you or not and I need you to focus on moving down here with me. I miss you."

He smiled at me. "I miss you too." It was quite for a moment as he pondered on my words. Then he spoke up again. "Alright, I'll try to get down there as quickly as I can. I wanna come down there more than anything." I wipe away my tears and let out a sigh of relief. After some time we end the call and I curl up in my new king sized bed, dreaming of my boyfriend being here.


I can't wait until this story is over (it'll probably be after a few more chapters)🍒

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