🍒Set It Up|Part I🍒

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I was taking an Uber home after my first day on set. It was pretty fun and I loved working with the cast and watching the people behind camera. I can't believe I'm working on my first big movie.

I got home and thanked the driver before he zoomed off. I went to the front door to ring the doorbell before waiting patiently for Noah to answer. Nearly a minute goes by and I hear the doorknob jiggle before the door is swung open. The younger guy is standing there sweating and out of breath, but managed to show me a smile. "Hey, you're home earlier than I thought you'd be." He greets me.

I nodded and entered the home as he shut the door. "I said I'd be home by ten. It's already," I pause to pull my phone out of my pocket and read the time. "Ten minutes after." Noah hums with a nod. I took my backpack off of my shoulders and sat it down in front of the tv. "Well my friend Gaten would like to come over tomorrow if you don't mind. You can even hang out with us if you want, we're just gonna watch a movie and cook a bunch of snacks."

I shook my head. As much as I'd love to hang out with the friends, I have other things to do tomorrow after I finish working. "Sorry Noah, maybe next time." The boy nods before awkwardly looking away. He's acting kind of strange. Should I ask why? "Hey are you okay? How are you feeling?" I spoke up, genuinely concerned. Noah gives me a smile a sort of goofy shrug followed by a chuckle.

"I'm fine. I'm great, Finn, I'm just a little tired. There's some fettuccine alfredo with chicken in the fridge incase you get hungry, I'm going to bed." And then he turns around and walks off to his room. "Goodnight!" He shouts back at me before softly closing his door then locking it. Maybe I'm just overreacting. Noah's a good little boy and he's just acting the way he is. I'm just gonna eat that fettuccine then hit the hay.


I was walking down this one isle in the supermarket trying to find the perfect bed sheets for my new bed. I had just gotten off set and I wanted to make over my whole room today, but I can't even find the right bedsheets. I'm torn between two, muted peach or ivory? The muted peach would really go with the whole color palette and make my room pop, but the ivory matches the curtains I picked out. Why do I have to make these decisions?



"Sadie, it's not that easy for me to find a boyfriend when I have a child. She's like guy repellent. I still love her though." I inform my fiery friend as we walk around the supermarket with Brooklynn not too far ahead of us just looking for whatever she could play with. We were currently in the candy so we had stopped so she could pick something out. "How many times do I have to tell you this, you just gotta keep swiping right until you find-" "Sadie I'm not gonna use Tinder to find me a boyfriend." I remind her for the sixth time today.

I hate how Sadie thinks a dating app could solve my problems. I've been on a ton of dating apps before, either I don't like the person because they're a douche bag or they don't like me because I'm a mother of one beautiful little girl. "But that's how Caleb and I got together. Of course I had no intention of making him my boyfriend at first but after a few more hookups and like one proper date, I couldn't help but just fall in love with him." Sadie tells.

I roll my eyes before crossing my arms. "I'm not gonna make a Tinder hookup my boyfriend, no matter how romantic your love story sounds." I sarcastically say that last part. The older girl just picks out two whole bars of Hershey's chocolate and just holds them. "Can you buy me one?" I ask with hope. Sadie looks me up and down with a raised eyebrow. "Hell no, I'm broke. Buy your own candy." I frown. I wish I had a boyfriend, I bet he would buy me candy like a good boyfriend should.

"I need a man in my life. Someone who not only could take care of me, but also take care of Brooklynn and look after her when I'm working." I complain. Sadie scoffs. "Bullshit, Caleb is here. He spends more time in your bedroom than mine. Did you know that the other day was the first time in a while that I've seen his dick? The little guy was so excited to see me." She winks and nudges my arm. I make a face of disgust before looking ahead of me to see my daughter not there anymore. "Where's Brooklynn?" I began to panic.



I was just holding my two options in my hands, praying that someone would come by and give me my answer. Muted peach? Ivory? I'm dying here. "Hi." A small voice spoke from beside me. I turn my head to look down at this little girl with long brown hair and a cute round face. I took a quick look around for any other adults around to claim her. "Are you lost?" I ask setting the bedsheets down on the shelf in front of me.

The child shakes her head. "Nah, my mom and aunt aren't that far from here. What are you doing?" She asks. I look back and forth between the sheets and the girl before shaking my head and clearing my throat. "Oh I'm just trying to fix up my bedroom. I just moved here from Canada and I wanna make it look nice. I'm going with this sort of relaxed beach paradise theme." I inform her. Why am I still talking to this kid? What if this is a test? Where is her parent or legal guardian?



This was originally like 1300+ words but I thought "tl:dr" and got rid of over 1200 words and now I have to remember it all and rewrite for next weeks chapter. Fml I should of copied and pasted it.🍒

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