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It's been really hard trying to move out to California while also trying to stay in this small one bedroom apartment. Finding a job around here is just so difficult, especially when it's summer vacation and people have a lot of time on their hands now to make some extra cash. Millie has offered to help me make money for this move, but I refused that offer. I didn't want her paying for everything after she's already bought a house and is now trying to get a license and buy a car. I am really proud of her though. She went from sharing a space with Brooklynn and having to borrow her roommates car, to being a home owner and it all happened so quickly. I can't wait to be there with her, I just need to find another job.



"Thank you all for watching my live stream and donating so much money. I really appreciate it." I say to all my viewers as I lick my fingers and end the live stream. As soon as I end it I spit out what I've just put in my mouth and put my bath robe on before going to my bathroom to get cleaned up. I've been working from home a lot lately so I can raise enough money to bring Finn down here. He said he didn't want my help but god damn it he's gonna get it. I didn't masturbate on camera while calling two million people daddy for nothing.

After my shower I got a call from my manager and quickly answered. "Stella, I see you've got a new house. That was pretty unexpected of you to buy a home but congratulations." I pinch my brows together. "How did you know I bought a house?" "I watched your live stream like I'm supposed to because I'm your manager of course. I need to see how much money you're making and how well you're doing." Natalia stated. I roll my eyes. Everything is always about money with her. She has asked me for some of the money I've made from camming and I've refused to give her anything at all. She threatens to fire me and such but never actually does because I have talent and I make her the most money from gigs out of all of her clients.

"What do you want?" I finally ask her as I go downstairs and to the kitchen. I grab a bottle of wine from the fridge since Brooklynn won't be home for a couple of hours. Caleb and Sadie took her golfing. "It's time to renew your contract, remember? Every year you sign a contact saying that you still want to work for me and that I get seventy percent of what you make." My agent reminds me. Wait, she wants seventy percent now? Why should she get more than me? I'm the talent and I have bills to pay, a child to take care of, and I have to get my boyfriend out of Canada.

I stopped pouring my glass of wine. "Seventy?" I exclaimed. "Yeah, I decided to rewrite this years contract. I just wasn't being paid enough with that forty percent and a few of my clients have dropped me recently." This bitch wants seventy percent of what I make while I'm left with the other thirty percent? That's not fair. "So whenever you're ready just swing by my office and I'll-" "No, I-I'm not doing that. You can't take seventy percent of all of my paychecks, I have a family." I tell her. I hear Nat huffing from over the phone while I think twice about this. If I don't sign this contract, I won't have an agent who can book me gigs. If I do sign this contract then I'll have to work for Natalia for another year, but she's taking most of my money.

The problem is I'm trying to quit the porn industry and I wanna do that as soon as possible, but I still need to work until Finn and I can figure out how he can make enough money to support us. I can't work for another year, I absolutely hate my job. "Well I need to be making money too. You mothers always pull the family card, but that's not gonna work with me. It's either seventy percent or I'm letting you go, Stella." Natalia threatens. Of course I wasn't going to let her take that seventy percent and I didn't want her to let me go. So I did the most logical thing. "No Natalia I'm gonna let you go. I'm not signing any contract you write, I quit." Then I hung up the phone.

I quickly drank my glass of wine while I try to figure out what I'm going to do next. I need to keep working for Finn. I need him here now. But even when he does get here, it's not like he already has a job here. Sure he's an actor but that's not enough. He'll still need to find a job. Why is this so hard? I rest my head on the counter top and take a deep breath. I really miss Finn. I don't know when he'll get here, but I hope it's soon. I just want us to be normal.



I've applied for a few jobs and now I'm waiting to hear back from them. I also auditioned to be in a commercial for McDonalds even though I don't eat fast food much. I'll do anything to get out of here. Oh and I've also been looking for jobs in LA so I can work when I get down there. I'm just on a roll today.


This chapter was soooooooooooo boring but it's been a while since I've updated this story and the reason behind that is because this story is boring. I don't know why I thought this book would be a good idea, this wasn't even the original plot.

Fuck it, I'm just gonna MAKE a new story with the original plot and then we'll see which I like better.🍒

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