🍒Job Opportunities🍒

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I was out with Brooklynn today shopping for some new clothes. I haven't taken my daughter shopping in so long and we don't really spend much time together with me working and all. But the work was worth it, I made enough money to pay for my house. I just need to find the right home, but it's so difficult sometimes.

"Brooklynn, I said you can pick out five shirts you like. You'll have to put two back." I tell her. The little brunette rolls her eyes before putting two shirts back and then looking at another rack of clothes. "So how's everything going between you and Finn?" Brooklynn asked, which genuinely shocked me. I wasn't expecting my eight, almost nine year old, to ask about my boyfriend and I. "Pretty good. Finn is going to help me look for a house here so we can live on our own." I tell her. The little girl nods. "And I'm moving with you?" She looks up at me.

I scoff and roll my eyes. "Nope, we're sending you off to New Zealand. Of course you're moving with me, you're my baby girl." I assure her as I bring her in for a hug and kiss the top of her head. She giggles softly and begs for me to stop. I hear my phone ringing from my back pocket and check it to see who's calling. It was my agent. "Brooke I'm gonna go over here and take this, you can pick out four pairs of pants you like." I informed the little girl before stepping a few feet away from her to answer the call. Before I could even say anything, Natalia had already started talking.

"Stella, I need you ready for a shoot by tonight. This great producer friend of mine said that his actress backed out last minute and he needs a girl to take her place. You're doing it." I wanted to decline and tell her that I had plans with Brooklynn for the whole day, but I knew Natalia wouldn't care. She's too into her work, me, to let me have a break and spend time with my family. I just sigh and roll my eyes as I agree to do it sadly. "Okay. Send me the address and what time I need to be there."

I hung up and look at my daughter as she was picking out some skirt to match her shirt. I felt bad because I was gonna take her to her favorite restaurant tonight and hang out with her. I guess I'll have to do a rain check. "Hey Brooklynn," I try to get her attention while I stood a few yards away from her. The small brunette turns to look at me. "You can get those other two shirts you picked out if you'd like." Brooklynn smiles and rushes over to them to snatch them up. Then we went over to the shoes and I let her pick out as many pairs as she wanted.

"With all these new clothes I'm getting I'm gonna need my own closet!" My daughter shouts as she hands me a pair of sparkly red sneakers she found. I grin before getting another phone call, from Finn this time. I quickly answer and hold the phone up to my ear. He was still at work so I don't understand why he was calling me when he usually turns his phone off on set. "Hi baby, is everything okay at work?" I ask. "Everything's fine, I need to tell you something and it's really big." I switch my phone over to my other ear and hold it to my head with my shoulder as Brooklynn hands me another pair of shoes.

"Shoot." "So I'm not really supposed to be telling you this yet but the little girl they hired to be my on screen daughter for the end of the movie quit because she got offered a bigger role for a show that's being shot in Florida and we really need someone to step in and take the role of Louise." I raise my brows. I can't believe that little brat just ditched them like that. "Wow okay well I hope the casting director can find another little girl. This is probably messing up the entire schedule." It was quiet for a moment. "Millie I'm calling you and telling you about this because I want Brooklynn to audition for the part."

I was truly shocked. I couldn't believe Finn actually wanted Brooklynn to be in the film with him. This is a big opportunity for Brooklynn, she's always wanted to be a young movie star. "Wait, are you serious?" "As a heart attack, baby." Finn replied. I had the biggest grin on my face. This was perfect. "Oh my god!" I scream, grabbing the attention of some people around us. I awkwardly smile and whisper into the phone. "So like do I have to take her into an audition or..." Finn chuckles lightly and I bite back a smile. "I'll talk to the casting department and give them her information. They'll probably want to do a few tests on her to see if she's good on camera and how well she'll work with me and my cast mates, but I'm sure she'll pass that with flying colors."

"Okay, should I tell her? Fuck it, I'm gonna tell her. I'm just really excited." "Tell who what?" Brooklynn asks me. I hurriedly end my conversation with Finn to talk to my daughter. "I have some wonderful news for you and I know you're just gonna die. So Finn is working on his movie and one of their cast members left for a project in New York so they need a new person to take their place and he's gonna recommend you to the directors and producers." Brooklynn gasped before jumping up and down and screaming in excitement. I join her, not caring if people are watching us or if we get kicked out of the store.


Sorry for not updating last week I was overwhelmed with other stories.🍒

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