🍒Brooklynn's Want List🍒

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Three months later

Lately Millie has been booking her own shoots and lying about it. She sneaks off during the day and says that she's going grocery shopping or going to visit Sadie. I know what she's actually doing, I just don't know why. She told me that she wanted to stick with camming so she can be in charge of herself and do whatever she pleases. Maybe she's gone back to porn because she's not happy with me. That thought makes me feel kind of sad.

"Dad, I think I've lost a tooth." Brooklynn came running into my bedroom with her hand out to show me a tooth from her mouth that fell out. I examine it and nod. "Yep, that's a tooth. Are you gonna make a necklace with it?" I ask her. The little girl winced and shook her head. "Ew, no. I'm gonna try to make some money off this thing." Brooklynn explained as she held it up in the light. I smile to her.

Just then, Millie came home and into our bedroom with a shopping bag. "Hey babies." "Hi mom, I lost a tooth." Brooklynn quickly announced. The woman chuckles softly as she sat her stuff down on the bed. I really wanted to talk to her about her job and her sudden addiction to doing porn again. I don't really have a problem with it, I just think it's a little weird now because she doesn't even like it and she doesn't have to do that anymore. "Brooklynn, can I talk to your mother privately please?" I ask the little girl. She ran off to her room then came back to shut the door.

"Is everything alright?" Millie asks as she kicked her shoes off and sat down beside me on the bed. I reach for her hand and held onto it as I spoke. "I know that you've been doing porn again and I'm not against it, I just don't understand why you're still doing it." I start. The brunette looks away shyly. She squeezed my hand a little. "I just felt like I wasn't getting enough attention in my live streams so I needed to get attention somehow." "But why do you want attention from them? I told you, you don't have to keep getting naked on camera anymore." I explained to my girlfriend as she looks into my eyes again.

She starts to smile very big now. I was so confused. "I wanna get my implant removed." I scrunch up my forehead at that statement. Implant? Like breast implants? Butt implants? "What kind of implant do you have?" I ask, now searching her body. I don't mind her having any elective surgeries, I just didn't think she'd really have any. Millie's body looks perfect and natural, I can't imagine her having anything fake inside of her. "My birth control implant, in my arm." She lifts her arm up and runs her finger just below her shoulder on the inside of her arm. Birth control implant? I've never heard of such a thing.

"I'm saving up to get it removed because... I thought that maybe we could start a family together." Millie says sheepishly with a bite of her lip. I raise my brows in surprise. She wants to get pregnant. "Really?" I began to grin at the thought. Millie giggles like a child as she nods frantically and explains her fantasies and desires. "I figured that with us officially moved into this new house and you're gonna get a lot of money from all of your projects, we could settle down and have a beautiful baby together. I'm hoping we could have a boy and you can name him and he'll be like your best friend."

The idea of having a child now is so adorable. I can't believe she's doing all of this just so we can have a baby. "Brooklynn would be so happy to have a sibling. She's always wanted a sibling, ever since she could speak." I didn't know what to say to express how happy or excited I am. I just gave her a big hug and kissed her cheek several times. "I can't wait, you have no idea." I exclaim. She smiles and hugs me back. We then let go and she smirks at me. "Do you know what the best part about having children is?" Millie asks.

I shrug as I've never made a child before, but I know the recipe. "Making them, of course." The brunette lady rubbed my knee with her hand as she stares into my eyes with lust. I pinch my brows together. "But we can't make one right now, you've still got that implant." I reply, acting like a smart ass. Millie rolled her eyes and shook her head. "I really hope our child isn't as stupid and clueless as you are." I chuckle and bring her in for a kiss. She moans a couple of times and grabs for my hair. My hands find their way up her shirt.


"And then Brittany is a lawyer with two puppies and she's pregnant, but her daughter Heather doesn't know yet." Brooklynn gets me caught up on all of the doll drama that's been happening inside the dream house. I smile and kiss the top of her head as she stuffs toy stuffing up a dolls shirt. "Brooklynn, do you want a little brother or sister?" I ask her as I pick up one of the dog figures and just look at it while talking to the little girl. She shifts a little beside me. "That's one of the things at the top of my want list." She tells me.

A want list? That must be like a wish list. I wonder what else she wants. "What else is on your want list?" I try to find out. The little brunette put the doll down and ran over to her dresser to get something. Brooklynn came back to sit with me and hands me a piece of paper that said 'Brooklynn's Want List'. There wasn't much, but that doesn't mean everything on the list was cheap and just something you could get her. Brooklynn wanted me to be her dad, her own room, to be an actress and part time magician. "Wow, y-...you want me to marry your mom?" I ask with a little smile as I look up at the girl. She nods. "You make her happy. I've never seen anyone make my mom as happy as you make her." I can't believe she actually wants Millie and I to get married. I mean I want to, I would love to. I think that's the next step, to marry Millie.


I know I said I was gonna update last Sunday but it was just a very emotional day for my family so I was with them the whole day and just sort of taking care of my family. I need to finish this story, I was supposed to have this done by now.🍒

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