🍒First Kiss🍒

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"Victoria...I think I'm in love with you." I say as I was on set of my new movie. It's a teen romance film. My blonde female cast member playing the part of Victoria, my love interest, shook her head in disbelief. We stare into each other's eyes quietly. She was supposed to say 'I'm in love with you too, James' but I think she forgot her line, again. "Cut!" The director yelled and the young woman put her face in her palms. "I'm sorry, my mind is in a totally different scene right now." Iris Apatow apologizes, her voice muffled from her hands covering her mouth.

I bring her into a hug. "Hey it's alright, I'm not bothered." I assure her. She lifts her head up and hugged me back before the producer approached us. She was a tall blonde woman with faire skin and her name was Veronica. This whole movie is about her experience in high school. "I think we're done for the day. Thank you." She says in a very annoyed and tired voice before strutting away to talk to a crew member. Iris stood up straight and ran her fingers through her hair before we head out to our trailers.

"Why does she hate me so much?" She asked as we were still walking. It was six in the morning and the sun was just coming up as we stood outside, shielding our eyes. "How can she hate you? You're more famous than her. She's probably just jealous of your career." I stated. Iris just scoffs. "I'm really not that famous. Well not as famous as my parents." We stop and stood just a couple yards away from the trailer where we do hair and make up. I look at her and finally ask "What happened? How'd you forget your line?"

The young blonde let out a breath as she stares at the ground. Her hair was blowing in the wind. "I'm just a little nervous about the-...the scenes where stuff gets kind of..." I understood what she was talking about. I was kind of nervous too. I'm not sure how well I'll do when the time comes. "I know, me too. You know I just had my first kiss yesterday and my roommate was making whoopee with a girl last night? How can someone younger than me get girls?"

Iris scrunched her brows and tilts her head in utter confusion. "You had your first kiss yesterday? How?" I awkwardly stood there before telling Iris the story of my first kiss from last night. "I went to this dinner party with this girl I've been seeing and she came home with me after having one too many drinks and she kissed me. She left right after." The blonde girl pursed her lips together before nodding subtly. "Well congratulations. It's a pretty big deal." I nodded with her. It really wasn't such a big deal, but it was part of the reason why I'm staying here in Los Angeles.


I arrived home at noon and heard Noah in the kitchen. I haven't seen him all morning and I really wanted to talk to him about the party and everything last night. I walk in and see him frying onions in a skillet. He looks up at me with a smile. "Hey man, how was set?" He asks over the sizzling noises. I just shrug casually before leaning against the counter. "Nothing exciting, but I did finish up early today if you hadn't noticed." The young guy makes a face of realization before nodding and mixing around them chopped onion before turning the stove off.

"Hey so...did you have a girl over here last night?" I shyly question. Noah turns to look at me again before giving me this smirk. "Yeah. I met her at the party last night. She was beautiful." He tells me. I felt my cheeks heating up. Talking about this type of stuff isn't really something I do. I'm trying to step out of my comfort zone and talk about this type of stuff because it's what adults do, right? "What was her name?" I inquired. Noah grins as he mixed his onions in with this pasta dish. "Stella." He replied before going back to cooking. I kept on nodding, trying to seem normal and cool about this whole thing.

I heard my phone buzz so I pulled it out of my pocket and saw that Millie had texted me.

Millie:heyy do u wanna
come hang out w/ me for
a bit

im sorry about last
nite , i didn't mean
to make u feel

i miss u xx

I bite my bottom lip at those messages. I would like to see her today. "Millie just texted me. She wants me to come over." I tell Noah. He nods with a smile of impression. "Sounds great, you should go. Maybe I can come with?" The small brunette boy offered. It would be nice if Millie and Noah got to know each other better. It would be perfect. "Yeah, I'll tell her we're coming."

Finn:I'll be there soon:)



"You slept with his roommate!?" I quickly try to hush the ginger as I told her about what happened last night after the party. I felt remorseful, I never thought I would be that girl who sleeps with her boyfriend's best friend. Not that Finn and I are dating yet. We are just seeing each other. "Keep your voice down, Brooklynn is just next door and I don't want her to think that I'm a whore." "But you are, Millie." Sadie says, making me feel a thousand times worse. I roll my eyes. "Gee thanks, that really boosted my confidence and self worth." I sarcastically remarked before hearing a knock on the door to our apartment.

I hurried out of Sadie's bedroom to go answer the door and she followed me, explaining herself. "Well you fucking fucked Finn's fucking roommate last fucking night after you fucking kissed him. Does he know that you rode his roommate while he was under the same roof as you two?" I just brush off all of her comments as I open the door and greet the boy. Finn was there all happy looking while Noah was holding a bowl of what looked like macaroni salad with a lid over it. Just looking at him made me want to throw up on him and kiss Finn til I felt less guilty. I wanna cry.


Lame ass chapter.

How do you think this day will go?🍒

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