🍒Use Your Tongue🍒

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I'm an awful human being. I'm such a cheap slut, no wonder no man would ever date me. I can't believe I did that to Finn. He doesn't know, but I still feel quite awful. I shouldn't have done it, but I did. I had sex with Noah because I'm just so stupid. Noah probably thinks I'm no good for Finn now. I'm no good for anybody at all.

"Finn!" Brooklynn shouts as she runs down the hallway and into the living room where everybody was. The young man with curly hair and such a cute smile holds his arms out and bends down before the little girl collided with him and they hug. My lips twitch at the sight as I was watching from the kitchen. The minute I saw Noah I didn't feel like interacting with everyone. It was just Finn, Sadie, Caleb, Noah, and Brooklynn. They were all getting to know each other while I watch them all.

I noticed Noah eyeing me a couple of times while talking to Sadie. When he looks at me I see the red head give him this look that screams 'what the fuck were you thinking' and it makes me feel like complete garbage. "Hey." His nasally and sweet voice spoke from beside me as he stepped into the kitchen with me. I jump a bit and turn to face Finn, putting in this fake smile. "Hi." I reply shyly. It was quite for a moment and we just gaze into each other's eyes. "Can we talk about last night?" He asked. Fuck, ahhhhh!

No I don't want to talk about last night, I embarrassed the hell out of myself and fucked your roommate slash best friend! "Sure, let's go somewhere else." I respond calmly before leading him back to my bedroom, slipping away from the group. I shut and lock the door softly before turning around to face the guy who was standing by my bed and looking around my room. I usually don't let company in my room, but we needed to talk some place quiet.

"Nice room. It's very..." "Messy and fit for a child, I know. Brooke and I share a bedroom, I haven't had my own bed since I was fifteen." I admit, feeling kind of embarrassed. I do want my own room and I want Brooklynn to have her own room as well, but I don't have enough money to move out and buy my own place with two bedrooms. I can't even afford to live here sometimes. "That's okay, but I was going to say that your room is very playful and fun." Finn stated with a little smile as he sat down on the edge of his bed. "For a kid." I say under my breath as I tuck some of my hair behind my ear and take a seat beside the tall young man.

It was very silent again, but awkward this time. It wasn't like that in the kitchen and I don't know why. Maybe it's because we're alone in a bedroom together and we're about to talk about how terrible last night was. "So last night," Finn started as he turned a little to face me. I look up at him as he spoke. "I didn't mind that we kissed, it's just that it was my first and I wasn't really expecting my first kiss to be so...rushed?" I flush in embarrassment. "Oh god." I moan quietly as I plant my face into the palm of my hands. "Hey it's fine. I'm just glad that I got it out of the way and that it happened with a pretty girl. Last night after you left I couldn't stop thinking about kissing you again."

He thought about a second kiss? He still likes me after the first one? I'm genuinely surprised. "So...can I kiss you, again?" Finn quires sheepishly and with a shy grin. I smile real wide before nodding uncontrollably. He let out a breath before leaning forward hesitantly and closing his eyes. He pressed his lips against mine so gently and just stayed like that for a few seconds before pulling away. I couldn't stop smiling. Even though Finn doesn't know how to kiss yet, I still really liked it.

"I'm sorry, I'm still new at this. Maybe you can teach me?" The curly raven haired guy suggests. I chuckle a bit. "Of course I can teach you. So when we're kissing we just have to use our tongues. Do you wanna try it?" He nods eagerly before I lean in and connect our lips again, parting them this time. Our tongues collide and move together slowly. I smirk into the kiss before grabbing his shoulders. Finn puts a hand on my waist and I moan a bit before pulling away to look at him. He looked so happy. "I did it, I kissed a girl with my tongue!" He cheers to himself. I laugh a little before I rest my hands in my lap again and he removed his hand from my side.

"So there's something that I've wanted to ask you for a while now." The man asked. I nod for him to continue, wondering what his question is. "Will you be my girlfriend?" I froze. I didn't know what to say. It's not that I don't want to, I just can't. I hooked up with his roommate last night and I still haven't told him about my real job. What do I say? "Yes." I blurt out. I don't want to hurt his feelings by saying no. How could I say no? We just made out for the first time and I really liked it.

His smile grew from ear to ear as he chuckles and let out a sigh of relief with his hand over his heart. "Are you serious?" He reassures. I nodded with a little grin before he crashed his lips into mine again and kisses me one last time before jumping up and running out into the living room. I follow behind as he announces it to everyone. "Millie is my girlfriend!" Caleb and Brooklynn applaud him and cheer as Sadie was talking about how I'll be able to move out sooner now. I just laugh a little before I see Noah looking all sad and down on the couch. Like I give a shit.


Honestly the new upload schedule is weird and complicated but it's something so...

Also if you ship Fadie, you should check out my new Fadie book 'Just Kids' coming this Thursday (I think)🍒

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