Shots (part 2)

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When we headed back inside all I could see was my brother making out with some big breasted blonde bimbo and Kendall getting pulled by the arm by some red headed girl.

It ignited a flame in me that burnt like a million little firecrackers going off at once. I raced over there and yanked the girls hand away from Kendall's.
"Get off of my boyfriend you bitch!" I said when she rolled her eyes and walked away.
There was Kendall just standing there with a goofy look on his face that was turning angry.
"What the hell did you do that for?" He shouted at me slobbering with his words.
"Are you to drunk to remember that you have a girlfriend?" I said trying to raise my voice in this insane crowd.

"You... yo... you were outside fucking Logan in the alley anyways you stupid slurr.. slut!" He said grabbing someones drink and swallowing it in a matter of seconds.

"Kendall I was not! How dare you!" I said getting upset again I tried not to let it bother me because he was drunk. So I tried to grab his arm again when he moved and made me fall. "Oops" he said laughing and stumbling away.

Logan had apparently seen what had happened and rushed over to help me up. "I'm fine!" I shouted at him unintentionally taking it out on him as I brushed off my dress and went to follow Kendall.

Carlos had managed to get James's attention and he took James back to the bus. Logan was trying to help but I had so many emotions running through my mind right now I just wanted to do it myself and after I had hurt Logan's feelings the way I had he had left and went back to the bus and go to bed.

"Kendall!!!!!" I shouted to the crowd looking for him when I saw him out if the corner of my eye with some girl with pink and blonde hair making out against the wall of the bathroom hallway.

My mouth dropped and I without a doubt lost it. I marched right over there and pulled the girl off of him by her pink highlights and pulled him over to me and slapped him straight across the face he sobered up really fast as he grabbed me by the wrist and looked me dead in the eyes with those haunting green gems flashing back at me.

"Your going to regret that!' He said yanking me over his shoulder and carrying me to the hotel like a child. He didn't say a word and I'm surprised he even remembered where it was from all the liquor in his system. He put the key card into the slot and unlocked the door and slammed it behind him.

"Kendall put me down!" I said starting to fight him since we were back in our private room. He stopped and of course had to be an ass, "okay!" He said dropping me straight off of his shoulders and against the legs of the small table that sat beside the door. Causing me to bang my forehead against the sharp corner of it and then my head to bounce off of the wall behind me.

My vision was blurred from how hard I had hit that corner into the middle of my forehead. When i cried out In pain, Kendall took his clothes off and got a shower and didn't even bother to ask if I was okay.

When he got out, I had managed to prop myself up enough to try and get up. When Kendall stepped out of the shower with a towel wrapped around his waist. He bent down and looked at me picking my face up with his hand on my chin and gave me a sappy look as he hung out his bottom lip.

"Poor baby, let Kendall make it better" he said caressing my cheek with  the back of his hand and helping me up.

I started sobbing immediately as he sat me next to me on the bed. I was scared, hurt and most of all I felt like my relationship with Kendall was starting to mean less to him after seeing him kiss that girl.

"Aren't you gonna talk to me?"
He said stroking my back trying to console me like nothing happened.

I tried to brush him off of me, but he was very persistent. "Look I'm sorry I don't even remember what happened I was drunk and I'm sorry." He said trying to bargin with me to feel sorry for him. I had a sharp painful headache throbbing in my forehead from him "accidently" dropping me.

I decided to just let things go for the night and I layed down on my side of the bed and fell asleep.

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