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When I woke up the next morning everyone was sitting on the couch at the front of the bus except myself and Kendall. "Kendall?" I said peeking my head into his bunk. He was laying on top of his blanket with just his boxers on hitting the wall space beside his bed repeatedly. "Kendall stop!" I said when he gave me a mean look.
"Come here" he said pulling me on top of him and rubbing my lower body against the front part of his boxers.
"Kendall, stop! We can't everyone is in the front waiting on us" Kendall stopped doing what he was doing and immediately moved me off the top of him.
"Their what?" He said sitting up in his bed. "Um there all sitting in there talking. I'm pretty sure it's about us" I said only making him more aggressive.

"Then why don't we give them something to talk about" he said slapping me on the butt hard. "Ouch!" I said in pain it still stung where he smacked me. "Kendall come on... let's just get it over with." I said dreading it as just as much as he was. He rolled his eye but agreed to come with me anyways.

When I hopped down from his bunk, he followed behind me still in his boxers. "Really no clothes?" I said laughing at him as he pulled my back towards him and kissed me on the neck. "Trinity... Kendall come on. It's time for a family meeting" James said, asking us to take a seat by them.

"What the hell" Kendall said pulling me down on top of his lap on the floor.
"So what is it?" Kendall blankley asked with no hesitation. Carlos looked away as if he didn't want to be apart of the conversation but he was so it was too late for that now.

"The three of us have been talking... and we think it would be best for us as a group if the two of you had a little time apart." James said looking at me more so than Kendall. I scoffed as did Kendall.
"Really? I thought it was no big deal if we were together? Huh? What happened to that shit?" Kendall popped off saying to James.
"Hey you watch yourself. I'm still trying to figure out how to even deal with you after hearing the things you did with my sister" James exclaimed pointing at Kendall.

Kendall of course blew James off and then looked at both Carlos and Logan.
"You guys agree with James? That Trinity and I should take a break?" He said asking them waiting for there response.

Logan looked at me and then back at Kendall and then James and Carlos. "Um...Um.... well" Logan said gulping really loudly in his throat.
"You do seem to be moving to fast" Logan said with a shrug of his shoulders.

"I can't fucking believe this I thought you guys were my friends?" Kendall blurted out in anger standing up and pulling me up with him.
"We are but you have lost complete respect for everyone around you. We don't want to hear the two of you going at it like rabbits every time we turn around!" Carlos said bravely almost immediately regretting it when Kendall almost got in his face.

"And then there's that?" Logan said freely. Making Kendall scoff, "what?" He asked sarcastically "the attitude your always picking fights with James and Carlos and me did you ever stop to think that maybe James is acting this way for a reason?" He said looking at me when he said that like he was trying to get me to get it through my thick head too.

"Well are you just gonna stand there and let them belittle us and talk ridiculously about our relationship?" Kendall said looking at me with frustration in his brows.
"No, because it doesn't matter. I love Kendall and were not splitting up!" I said aiming my attention at James for the most part but it hurt that Logan and Carlos now have changed there minds about the two of us dating after they clearly said it was no big deal.

"There is only a couple more days of this tour. Can yall just suck it up?" I said when Kendall grabbed my hand and openly said something without us even talking about it prior catching me off guard.

"Yeah it's only a few more days then you won't have to worry about it because we'll be at my house without any of you assholes interjecting and bitching about Trinity and I's relationship or our "sex life" being such a uncomfortable topic for you guys!" He said winking at me and biting his lip.

They all just looked at us with confusion as did I because I had no idea what he was talking about until James got the hint.

"You're moving in with him?" He said shaking his head at me with disappointment. "Whatever I don't honestly care anymore" he said getting up and going to the bathroom. Which I knew was a lie because if he didn't care he wouldn't be going the lengths he was to try and keep me and Kendall from getting anymore serious than we already were.

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