*Moving on*

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A month later......

(Trinity POV)

I exhaled deeply. Taking in the sunshine and fresh air as I sat on the stone balcony. I was staying at James's place in Malibu and was taking full advantage of his beautiful view and pool.

Finally I could breath, it seemed like before I was constantly trying to catch my breath unable to enjoy the life I was living. I was so grateful to James, with all he's done for me including  pushing me to do a no contact order against Kendall. It was difficult at first don't get me wrong. Its not like it was a switch I could turn on and off. It took alot of conversations and other people's perspectives from the outside looking in for me to realize just how blind I was to the toxicity of the entire relationship.

There was so much abuse and not just physical. He took my spirit away. My happiness I honestly can't believe I allowed myself to stay in a situation like that for so long.

Over the last month I was able to find clarity. Really take a look at myself, my life and what I wanted my future to look like and I didn't want Kendall to be apart of either anymore. I still had alot of healing and soul searching to do, but right now I could see a light at the end of this dark tunnel.


"Hey sis, enjoying the water?" James asked taking a seat nearby on a piece of his patio furniture. He had his guitar in hand and a notebook. "Yes!" I exclaimed with a smile as I pulled the wet hair away from my face. "Great. Quick question?" he said looking at me. "Are you okay with company?" It caught me off guard so I laughed. "Well, this is your house so......." he shook his head at my sarcastic answer. "Yes, I know smart-ass. I'm trying to be considerate here. You might not feel up to having someone over. Which is fine I understand that's why I asked."

"James, I appreciate it. But seriously it's fine. So who's coming over?" I asked curious.

"Well now that I know it's fine I can let him know, but Logan." he replied and I felt a small flutter at the sound of his name. I was in no way ready to jump into another relationship but Logan was a great friend to me, and that is something I really needed... but if it turned into something else later on then I wouldn't be opposed to trying it out and to see where it goes.

"Of course Logan can come over...Its Logan" I said trying to conceal my smile. James lifted his brow at me and shook his head at me and started playing his guitar. I swam a little bit longer before I got out and went inside to get washed off.

I stepped out of the shower and got dressed. I could hear James and Logan jamming from the top of the stairs. I took my wet brush and glided it through my wet hair before spraying perfume on. I threw my clothes on and decided to grab a snack downstairs and maybe say hi to Logan who I've only spoken to through text since I left the hospital.

Obviously there were some unspoken feelings on his end, honestly probably even before Kendall and I were a thing. I was just so wrapped up in that ridiculousness that I didn't see it or didn't care. As mean is that is to admit, but first and foremost he has always been a great friend to me and that meant more to me especially right now.

I threw on a pair of my Nike shorts and a crop top. I didn't even mess with my hair minus running a brush through it, it was still wet. I went downstairs to the kitchen to find something to snack on and inevitability chat with the guys. James was helping Logan with with a song and I couldn't quite hear the whole thing but what I did sounded great.

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