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"Thank you for inviting me

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"Thank you for inviting me. I really had an amazing time." Brielle smiled as she gripped the straps of her backpack.

It was Tuesday and that meant that she had to head back home to Chicago. Colby would be headed somewhere for a RAW live event and they wouldn't see each other until who knows when.

"I should be the one thanking you. I don't think that I've had this much fun on a work tour in a while." He told her.

It was the truth. He had been to places in New York that he'd always wanted to go, but never had time to see. It was like Brielle convinced him to go without even asking or telling him about it.

"I'm really going to miss you. You better text me." She said, pointing her finger in a demanding way at him.

"I'll call, FaceTime, and text you if you want me to." He chuckled, making her smile. "I'll do it every five minutes if I ever have the time."

"Nope. I don't need to talk to you that often. You can get pretty annoying." She joked, making him hold a hand over his heart.

"I feel very offended." He fake cried.

"Oh shush." Brielle laughed. "Anyway, I should get going. My plane takes off in thirty minutes and you know how long the lines for security are."

"Yeah, you should go." Colby said softly, not wanting her to leave yet.

Without warning, Brielle flew into his arms and gave him a hug. He hugged her back almost immediately. The two stayed like that for what seem liked seconds to them, but what was really ten seconds.

"I'll text you when I land." She said after releasing from the hug.

"Okay. Have a safe flight." He told her before she turned away and started to walk away.

Colby watched her and sighed. He really didn't want her to go. It was like he was a better person when she was around.

"Maybe if I told her how I feel she would've stayed with me." He thought to himself.

A few seconds later, he felt a presence in front of him and smiled when he saw the familiar shoes. Before he could say anything, she smashed her lips onto her and he kissed her back instantly.

"I couldn't leave without that." Brielle told him when they released.

Without any hesitation, Colby connected his lips to hers again. They kissed for a solid twenty seconds before pulling away, breathlessly.

"So um, I know this may seem to sudden or anything, but I just really need you to know that I really like you, and I have for a while." He blurted out to her. "I didn't realize it until a couple weeks ago, but you're the most amazing girl that I've ever met."

"Colby I-"

"I know you probably don't like me back and you just got out of a relationship, but I needed to tell you. It was eating me up inside."

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