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"I just don't understand how something could possibly take this long

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"I just don't understand how something could possibly take this long." Brielle said to Alysia as she took a bite out of her pizza. She was obviously talking about the annulment, which Alysia could care less about. The longer it took, the more Brian would start hating Brielle, and he would eventually call everything off, then he could be with Alysia.

"I don't know what to tell ya, babe." Alysia shrugged, wishing that she could tell the brunette that she should leave Brian. She got up to throw her plate away, but a knock on the door differed her path.

"Hi." A voice said with a smile and Alysia smirked, knowing exactly who it was. "Is Brielle here?"

"Yeah, come right in." She told him.

Brielle had to do a double take and stood up right away when she realized that it was really Colby in her apartment. She gave him a small smile, which he happily returned and they both turned to look at Alysia, who was just watching them. When she finally got the hint, she walked into the kitchen, where they couldn't see her, but she could hear them.

"I hope its okay that I came by unannounced." Colby said.

"No, its fine. We were just talking and eating." Brielle nodded uncomfortably.

"I just wanted to tell you that I'm really sorry about all this. It is all my fault. I shouldn't have had anyone else handle this but me. I trust people too easily and people tell me what I want to hear." He sighed. "But, you're different. You never tell me what I want to hear. You never have."

"I'm glad that I'm able to make someone happy." She slightly smiled, with a faint blush on her cheeks.

"Brian is mad?"

"Its getting worse. I don't even know what is happening with us right now. It just sucks."

Brielle could hear noise coming from the kitchen, and knew that Alysia must have been listening. She shook her head as her statement was correct because she saw her best friends feet sticking out.

"Can we go out somewhere? I just don't want to be here right now, especially if Brian were to walk in." The brunette explained.

"Yeah, why not." He accepted with a grin on his face.


Brielle laughed as her and Colby's dinner arrived to their table

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Brielle laughed as her and Colby's dinner arrived to their table. It was like they ordered so much food, that they needed another table. The table was filled with snacks like nachos, breadsticks, dip, milkshakes, and more was still on its way.

"This was such a great idea. A table full of junk food is exactly what we needed." She said, taking all the credit for this idea.

"Just don't tell my friends and trainer." He told her.

"Oh, don't worry, I already posted about it. Sorry." She joked, finally feeling like she could let go when around Colby. "Ooooo they have air hockey! You up for some competition?"

"Have I ever said no to a challenge?" He asked, then realized she wouldn't know the answer because she doesn't watch wrestling. "The answer is-"

"Actually you have." She cut him off. "When you played a bad guy, you ran away from fights quite often."

"How did you find that out?" Colby wondered as they started to play.

"I watched some of your stuff. You're actually crazy talented." Brielle complimented him, making him smile and stop defending his end, letting her score.

"You tricked me!" He accused her, making them both laugh.

"Don't hate the player, hate the game." She said before taking a bite of a chip. "Now, I'm off to get some victory corn dogs."

The minute Brielle turned around, she was surrounded by paparazzi and hid her face, so the flash wouldn't hurt her eyes. Colby groaned and threw his head back. Even in disguise they found him and it was so annoying.

"How did they find you?" She asked as he put his hand on her back and tried to get away from them.

"Someone tweets or posts, and its a matter of minutes." He sighed as they ran outside, closed the back door and put trash cans up against it, so the paparazzi would have to push them out of the way and it would give the pair more time to run. They hid behind other trash cans until the paps came out of the door and started looking around.

Colby grabbed Brielle's hand and they ran to her car when no one was looking. Brielle quickly started the car and drove off. They let out a sigh of relief as the restaurant was no longer in sight and no one was following them.

"Well that was fun." Brielle chuckled, trying to catch her breath as she stopped at a red light. She knew that Colby was a little upset, so she wanted to try and make light of the situation and make sure he knew that it didn't ruin her night.

"I'm sorry that happened." He told her. "I should have known not to go someone public with only sunglasses and a hat on."

"Colby, you shouldn't be sorry. I had such a nice time. One of the best nights I've had in a long time and you're to thank." She smiled, making him smile back. "Besides, it was fun running from paparazzi. I feel like a real celebrity now."

"Well, by tomorrow I'm sure that we will be the headline of all the news." Colby said, making them both laugh.

The two sat in silence as they approached Brielle's apartment complex. It wasn't a bad silence, it was a good silence, in a way. They both had a great night and were still reeling from it.

"You know, tonight I completely forgot about everything going on in my life. That hasn't happened in a long time. If only I could stay out with you forever." She admitted.

"I'm always here if you need a break, you know that."

"I do. I'm so thankful for that." Brielle smiled softly. "Well, I better get going. Brian is probably going crazy by now."

Colby and Brielle got out of the car and gave each other a hug before going their separate ways. Brielle watched Colby get into his car and leave before she walked inside and up the stairs to her apartment, not wanting to step foot inside and hear whatever Brian had to say.

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