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It had been a couple weeks since Colby drooped the Universal Championship to Brock Lesnar, and it say he was pissed off was an understatement

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It had been a couple weeks since Colby drooped the Universal Championship to Brock Lesnar, and it say he was pissed off was an understatement.

Colby has been a fighting champion. Week after week he would show up and fight. Brock barely shows up, yet he's always champion. It wasn't fair, and everyone knew that.

Unfortunately, Brielle knew that when things like this happened to him, there was nothing that she could do to cheer her boyfriend up. It had been a pattern in their relationship from the very beginning and it wasn't going to change anytime soon.

Secretly, Brielle wished that Colby would take some time off from work since her due date was only three months away. She had no idea if or when he planned to do that. All she wanted was for him to be there for the birth, and it scared her to think that he could possibly miss it.

"Hey babe?" Brielle said as she waddled into their bedroom and saw her boyfriend sitting on their bed, rewatching his segment from RAW the previous week. This was the week that Brock put him in the hospital, and Brielle would never understand why he'd want to watch that back.

"What's up?" He asked, pausing the TV and focusing all his attention on the beautiful woman who sat in front of him. He chuckled a little as he watched her try and get comfortable with the huge bump that took up majority of her tiny midsection.

"We need to talk about your plans for when the baby comes." She blurted out. This was a conversation that she didn't want to have because she truthfully didn't know if Colby was going to leave her right after she gave birth.

"What do you mean?"

"Are you planning on taking anytime off of work? I mean, are you still planning on going to work in August to September even though I could go into labor any day? What about after the baby is born? How long will you take off for that?"

Colby sighed and took Brielle's hand in his. He could tell that she was stressing about this, and truth be told, he was too. He knew that WWE would give him all the time off that he needed, but he was in such an important part of his career, and didn't want to jeopardize anything.

"I was thinking that I'd work up until the week you're supposed to give birth and then take off for about a month or so." He confessed.

The brunette ran a hand through her hair and lightly scoffed. She couldn't believe that the father of her child was basically choosing his career over his child. She understood that he loved his job with all of his heart, but she just assumed that he loved her and their unborn child more than his job.

"But what happens if I go into labor early and you're in a different state?" She questioned.

"Well I'm just hoping that that doesn't happen. The doctor said multiple times that you're right on schedule and I'm going off of what she said." He told her.

"I really don't know what to say right now. I'm just glad I found this out before I went into labor." Brielle said as she got up and started to pace around the room. It must have been the hormones because she never got mad at things like this.

Truth be told, Brielle was terrified. She was terrified to give birth, that Colby was going to miss her giving birth, and just terrified to be a mother. Yes, she was mad that he was barely giving himself any time to spend with his family, but she knew that was how it was going to be. The only thing that scared her was the fact that she might start to feel like a single parent.

Colby put his hands on his face as Brielle walked out of the room. He knew that she was going to be upset, but he didn't know that she'd react that way. Once her hormones came into play, it was over for him. He had no chance against her when she was hormonal, and that was the case even when she wasn't pregnant.


Brielle sighed as she heard a suitcase zip

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Brielle sighed as she heard a suitcase zip. The couple's fight was yesterday and the two barely said two words to each other. They only said "good night" and "I love you" yesterday and "good morning" today. It broke both of their hearts, but they were both too stubborn to admit to their wrong doings.

She sadly watched as Colby came down the steps, Kevin following behind him because even he knew that his dad was leaving again today. Colby put his suitcase by the door and walked over to the kitchen counter, where his pregnant girlfriend sat. He cupped her face in his hands and stared in her eyes as she stared back into his.

"I love you so much, I hope you know that." He told her before kissing her on the lips. "I'm really sorry for springing the information on you. I think we both overreacted and didn't mean to, but I just wanted to tell you that I have requested off from live events from now until mid October so I can be here more. Y'know for when you go into labor and to spend time with you and our baby girl."

Brielle chuckled softly and let a few tears slip down her checks, which Colby wiped away for her. "I'm sorry too. I want to blame my hormones, but I know there is no excuse for how I reacted. I'm really sorry, but I'm happy that you decided to take most days off. It means a lot to me and I'm sure it'll mean a lot to this little girl."

Colby moved his hands from her face to her belly and rubbed it in circles. They both smiled as they felt their baby kick. It always was such an amazing feeling and made them even more excited to meet her. He kissed her stomach and then her one more time before helping her stand up.

"I should get going, but I'll see you in two days, okay?" He said, holding her in his arms as she nodded. "I love you."

"I love you too." She smiled, giving him one last kiss before he grabbed his suitcase and walked out the door.



This book is almost finished and that is making me really sad, but I need to know what you guys would like to read next.

I have an idea for a book about an OC and Michael B. Jordan or and OC in the 13 Reasons Why Universe. I know I made books about both those things before, but they'd be a little different than those books.

Please leave a comment of what you'd like to see and whatever gets the most votes will be the book I create next!

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