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"Babe stop, you're going to make me crash into a wall

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"Babe stop, you're going to make me crash into a wall." Brielle joked as Colby held his hands over her eyes and tried to guide her around their Iowa home.

"We are almost there. Quit complaining." Colby told her as she chuckled. "Okay, you can look now."

Colby took his hands off of Brielle's eyes and she saw a beautiful white nursery with toys and pictures in it. It was basically her dream nursery and it was in front of her eyes.

Brielle looked back at her boyfriend with the biggest smile and then back at the room in shock. She walked around and admired everything while holding onto her bump.

"You did this all by yourself?" She asked in shock as she looked back at him with tears in her eyes.

"Of course. I also did the one in Chicago. It's the least I could do. You're carrying my first child. My first princess." He said, wrapping his hands around her waist. "I love you and I cannot wait to become a parent with you."

"I love you too. I am so excited for this next chapter in our life." Brielle smiled. "Now we just need to have our maternity shoot, baby shower, and then have this baby!"

"Just a couple more months." Colby told her as he felt her stomach and then got onto his knees. "Hurry up in there princess. Daddy wants to meet you."

Brielle giggled as Colby kissed her stomach. She smiled and looked down, watching him talk to the little baby that was in her belly. Even though she was scared to death about being a mom, she knew for sure that Colby was going to be the best dad.

Brielle has all she needed. The perfect man, a baby on the way, two amazing homes, a great support system. She couldn't ask for anything else. Her life was perfect the way it was.

"BRIELLE MURPHY WHERE THE HELL ARE YOU?" Ran through the house before anyone could react

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"BRIELLE MURPHY WHERE THE HELL ARE YOU?" Ran through the house before anyone could react. Brielle knew that voice and saying all too well, but Colby, yeah he was scared to death.

Confused as to why the owner to that voice was in her home, Brielle raced out of her bed and down the steps to the front door, where her mother stood with a smile.

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