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Alysia chuckled ans shook her head as Brian told her a stupid joke that he came up with and was so proud of

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Alysia chuckled ans shook her head as Brian told her a stupid joke that he came up with and was so proud of. She didn't understand it, due to it being a joke about something from his home in England, but she humored him anyway.

The pair walked into a sandwich shop that wasn't too far from Alysia's apartment. They were starving from the day that they had. To say the least, this was the first time they got out of bed all day.

As Alysia ordered, Brian couldn't help but notice that the guy sitting in the rear of the restaurant looked so familiar. He couldn't put his finger on it, but he knew that he knew that guy from somewhere.

"Hey, babe, isn't that the WWE Superstar who Brielle got married to?" Alysia asked as he finished paying.

Brian's jaw dropped and he grabbed not only the food, but Alysia's hand and dragged her to a table that was almost directly across from him.

Alysia rolled her eyes, knowing that if she didn't say anything, he wouldn't have noticed. Now, she just made the situation worse, and it also made her realize that he still was not over Brielle.

"Here is your sandwich. Lets just eat and hope that he sees us, and knows who we are." Brian told her, passing her the sandwich, not lifting his eyes off of the man who was across from him.

"But, I thought that we were going to go back to my place and eat these, and then have desert." Alysia said, biting her lip in hopes of changing his mind.

"Listen, as much as I would love that, I'm really tired, and I would love nothing more than to put this guy in his place." The Brit shrugged, taking a huge bite out of his sandwich.

The brunette sighed and took a bite of her sandwich. Brian had never rejected her, especially not for something having to do with Brielle. She hoped that this was a one time thing, but something was telling her that this wouldn't be the last time that this happened.

Out of the corner of his eye, Brian saw Colby get up and he knew that now was this moment to do or say anything to him. He had wished that he had something to say or that he would have came up with something before he was face to face with the man who was married to his fiancee.

"Um, can I help you?" Colby asked as he was stopped in his tracks.

"Yeah, you can, actually. You can help me by staying away from my fiancee." Brian said, and then, without thinking, punched him right in the nose.

Before anyone could react, or get to him, Brian walked out of the restaurant, leaving Colby on the floor, shocked, and holding his nose as it bled. Alysia stood up with her jaw open and looked at the man on the floor before grabbing her food and rushing out of the place and after Brian.


Colby chuckled as the WWE makeup team tried to cover his swollen nose with makeup

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Colby chuckled as the WWE makeup team tried to cover his swollen nose with makeup. They were really trying their best to make it look like nothing had happened, but nothing could hide that and the bruising that would probably appear soon. Brian had a really strong right hand, to say the least.

"What happened, anyway?" One of his close friends and WWE Superstar, Ashley asked him. She was sitting right across from him, getting her makeup done as well. His was taking longer than hers was and she had jewels on her face.

"The short story is that I was punched. The long story is that I was eating my lunch, getting ready to leave, when a man came up to me. I asked him what he needed because I thought he wanted an autograph or something. Turns out it was Brielle's fiancé and he must have found out that we talked the other day." Colby said, taking a breath. "He told me to stay away from her, then knocked me on my ass."

"Well he did a great job of knocking you up. I'm surprised that your nose isn't broken." Brooke, the makeup artist working on his face said with a slight laugh.

The three laughed as Colby's assistant approached them with an iPad in her hand, and an annoyed look on her face. "So there is no way that you're not getting called into Stephanie and Hunter's office today. Almost every website, magazine, news outlet, you name it, has covered you so called 'fight'."

"Do any of these people realize that I didn't do anything? Technically speaking, I'm the victim."

"Yes, but people are wondering why you didn't fight back."

"Do people not have brains there days? I could've lost my job if I fought back, and the guy ran away right after it happened." Colby angrily told Sarah.

"Hey, you don't have to explain anything to me. I know." She told him. "But on another note, your lawyer called and wanted to know if you wanted to file the petition for the annulment yet."

"Wait a minute, it was file right after Backlash, why is he asking if he knows?" He asked.

"Not according to the lawyers office. I was told that you told them to hold off until you gave them permission to file it." She explained as Brooke finished his makeup.

"So you're telling me that the process hasn't even started yet?" He slightly chuckled, hoping that this was a joke.

"That is what it looks like." Sarah said, showing him the notes that she wrote down while she was on the phone with them.

"I'm going to kill someone. I don't know who yet, but its going to happen." Colby snarled while getting up from the makeup chair and walking down the hallway.

He barged into Stephanie and Paul's office, making them jump when he walked in.

"Well we wanted to see you, we just didn't call for you yet, so I guess you read our minds." Stephanie laughed.

"The annulment was supposed to be taken care you. You guys told me that after Backlash you'd give the lawyers the go ahead to file it, but that never happened." He snapped at his bosses.

"Colby, you have to trust that we know what we are doing. We are doing what is best for you, your career and the business." Paul told him.

"I told you two to end this, and you lied to me." He sighed.

"We wanted to keep not only the business, but you in the news. You're hot right now! Everyone wants an exclusive with Seth Rollins." Stephanie explained.

"But what about Brielle? Her life is basically being destroyed because of all of this. You guys are messing with somebody's life."

"What about her? She's famous now!"

"You both know that she doesn't deserve this." Colby scoffed.

The couple looked at each other, knowing what they did was wrong. They didn't want to admit it, because after all, they were the bosses, but deep down, Colby knew they knew.

"I'm getting my own manger from now on. I knew I shouldn't have had you guys as my bosses and mangers." He said to them before shaking his head and walking out of their office.

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