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Brielle's baby shower was finally here and the little woman with the huge stomach couldn't wait to see what her best friend put together for it

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Brielle's baby shower was finally here and the little woman with the huge stomach couldn't wait to see what her best friend put together for it. She knew that leaving Mercedes to do everything was a bit risky, but she was willing to take that chance. It wasn't that she didn't trust Mercedes, it was that she had so much on her plate, and Brielle didn't want to stress her out.

When the two best friends pulled up to the venue, Mercedes put a blindfold on Brielle to make sure that she didn't see anything. She wanted the photographer to get a picture of her reaction because she knew how much her best friend would love it. Brielle knew Mercy was extra, and expected to see it when she got to her shower, but she didn't expect her be this extra before she was even out of the car.

When Mercedes finally took the blindfold off Brielle and Brielle saw the beautiful job that her best friend had done, she couldn't help but have tears well up in her eyes. She fanned her eyes, trying not to let any tears slip out, and ruin her makeup.

"Thank you so much." The pregnant woman barely choked out before embracing her best friend in a huge hug. "I love you."

"You deserve the world. I love you more." Mercedes said as they held each other in their arms.

Upon entering there was a huge flower arrangement that went all the way around the entrance door. In the actual venue, everything was pink, but it wasn't too much pink. There was a huge sign that said "Baby Lopez" on one of the walls, along with the ultrasound picture and a picture of Brielle and Colby.

There were lots of things that had the initials "AL" because the couple decided that they wanted to name their baby girl something that started with an A. They hadn't decided on a name yet, but thought it would be cute if they were "ABC". Brielle didn't like the idea that her boyfriend came up with at first, but overtime grew to realize the cuteness that came with it, and gave in.

There were pink cupcakes with an "A" and "L" on it and balloons everywhere. There were beautiful flowers in all shades of pink, and lots of white around the room with the pink. Everything was so beautiful and Brielle was in shock at what an amazing job Mercedes did with the shower.

As guests started arriving, Brielle only got happier, which she didn't think was possible. Family that she hadn't seen in years had flown in, some of her college friends that she recently reconnected with came, and then all the friends she had made through Colby were there. It was the best mix of people. Iowa was a small place, but all these people were for sure making it feel more like home for her.

It was so crazy to think that if she and Colby had never had that one drunken night together, she'd be married, not even know who Colby was, and possibly not be having a baby. She always knew that life worked in mysterious ways, but the brunette never knew how mysterious it actually was.

When everybody arrived, the pregnant woman walked up to where the DJ was and asked for the microphone. As the venue quieted down, all attention was on Brielle. She smiled and chuckled a little, trying to find the right words to say. From all her hormones and happiness, she unexpectedly started to cry, making everyone "aw".

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