Lucas: Liar

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"The trust of the innocent is the liar's most useful tool."
-Stephen King

A few months into the new school year, Lucas had to cut back on his hours at the theater. He still hadn't made enough money for the car, and more and more of his savings was being spent on dope. By October, his car savings was completely gone. All of his hard work towards buying a car had been for nothing. It had all disappeared into his veins.

"Lucas?" Sarah asked one evening a week before Halloween.

She was standing at the stove boiling a big pot of water while Sam played in his playpen on the floor.

"What?" Lucas asked, looking up from his school laptop, where he'd been searching for quick ways to make money.

"I really need you to quit that theater job. You must have enough or close to enough in savings for that car. Brian and I will cover the rest if you'll quit."

"Why do you want me to quit?" Lucas asked.

"I need your help here in the evenings. Just so I can cook dinner and stuff. I can't get anything done with Sam needing me so much right now. Only for a few more months," she said.

Lucas could see that she was genuinely exhausted. There were dark circles under her eyes from being up at all hours of the night feeding Sam and changing diapers. Plus, she'd gone back to work too. Lucas felt sorry for her, but he couldn't lose his dope money.

"Get Brian to help you. He fathered the kid," he said.

Sarah sighed. "Brian has mountains of paperwork in the evenings. You know that. He needs to be in his office. I really need your help Lucas. We'll cover what you need for the car after you spend your savings."

Lucas balled his hands into fists under the kitchen table. What savings? There was no savings anymore. He was shooting up twice a day, his and Nora's habit costing him two-hundred dollars a week at least.

"Mom, I need to work," he said slowly, trying to stay calm even though his stomach was churning with anxiety at the thought of not being able to afford the drug anymore. Quitting was unthinkable.

"But why? The whole reason for this job was the car, and now-"

"I just need to!" Lucas snapped. "I'm not quitting!"

Sam started crying from his play pen at the sound of Lucas's harsh tone.

"Shut up!" he yelled at the baby.

"Lucas! Don't you dare talk to him that way!" Sarah said, whirling around, her eyes blazing. "What's wrong with you lately? Are you back on Oxy?"

"No!" Lucas said exasperatedly. It was true, he told himself, he wasn't on Oxy anymore.

"You are not acting like yourself," Sarah said, and Lucas could hear her voice trembling with fear.

"I'm fine, Mom. I just... need money. I need money."

Sarah turned back to the stove, sighing. "I'm saying no. Everything you need, we can provide. Quit the job tomorrow."

"Or what?" Lucas asked softly.

"Or no seeing Nora until you do."

Lucas laughed. "You can't hold her hostage! You know I'll see her anyway!"

"Not if I tell Dana. She'll keep you two apart."

"We go to the same fucking school! Brilliant plan, Mom," Lucas said sarcastically.

"Language! And you won't be riding in Nora's car. You'll be walking there alone. You'll see each other in class and at lunch. That's it. No texts, no phone calls, no notes, nothing," Sarah said.

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